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Work-life balance - Big 4 strategy arms in UK

Big Four - Strategy work life balance
Neue Antwort am 10. Nov. 2021
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Anonym A fragte am 9. Nov. 2021

Hi, I'm weighing up big 4 strategy arms (Strategy&, EY-Parthenon) vs a boutique firm. One criteria is work-life balance. Obviously this is dependent on project to project, but do the big 4 strategy arms have a reputation for particularly poor work-life balance over MBB/tier2/boutique? Do any of them have a culture for longer/shorter hours?

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antwortete am 9. Nov. 2021
Accenture, Deloitte | Precision Case Prep | Experienced Interviewer & Career Coach | 15 years professional experience


When you are doing something you really want to do and are having fun..question of work life balance doesn't arise. You make it work seamlessly.

Work-life balance is something that you must take control of. If you let the company dictate the rules, they will consume you. But it takes some time for you to be in that position of control. It wont happen from the day 1 when you join the company. If you are in such a company- thats great! But very few companies (including consulting firms) are getting WLB right. They are trying but success is in pockets. Also be aware that as long as you work for any big corporate (with profits & growth at the heart of the business) in a mid-manager or upwards role, your time & effort will be stretched. The corporate sector just doesnt work on 9am-5pm basis anymore.

Have a look at thread for more details on this subject- https://www.preplounge.com/en/consulting-forum/does-work-life-balance-improve-with-time-8445

So my advice to you is this- get into consulting if thats what you really want to do. If its the right fit with you career aspirations, values and risk apetite. Go for it. Otherwise dont. Dont let WLB be the only deciding factor.

Big4 are not any better or worse than MBB specially in UK. Smaller/Boutique firms are generally known to be better in this space.

Good luck.

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antwortete am 9. Nov. 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

I completely agree with Antonello - the answer to this varies so much more across office/country, role, project, team, etc. than it does across firms.

Additionally, you can't just group MBB, Big4, and boutiques up! For example, LEK is known for being extremely tough as is McKinsey. They would both (on average/in general) be harder than, say, Bain.

The short answer is: all of them are tough, so be careful chosing solely on work-life balance (even the best ones you're looking at 60+ hrs/week)

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antwortete am 9. Nov. 2021
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching


Reputation varies not only from company to company but also from office to office, team to team, etc.

My recommendation is to talk directly to current consultants and ask your questions.

Good luck,


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antwortete am 10. Nov. 2021
Bain | Roland Berger | EY-Parthenon | Mentoring Approach | 30% off first 10 sessions in May| Market Sizing | DARDEN MBA

I don't think big4 would have a worse work-life balance than MBB. To be honest, it's the opposite, just because expectations are different upfront (so sometimes Big4 complaint more but have a better life - they may complain more because they may be feeling they that are getting less value for what they invest…).

This also depends on type of projects. Doing PE/CDD is usually more demanding than “regular” strategy consulting in terms of hours, but does not require travelling, and allows usually more breaks in between projects.

This also depends on specific country, office, team, etc… so be sure to do some networking to get the answers you need.

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Accenture, Deloitte | Precision Case Prep | Experienced Interviewer & Career Coach | 15 years professional experience
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