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Expertencase von Ian
3,2 T.
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< 100 Bewertungen


Our client is Hunger Warriors, a non-profit with ambitions to solve world hunger. While approximately one tenth of the human population goes to bed hungry, Hunger Warriors aims to bring this number to zero. One of their primary initiatives is to reduce food waste, which represents $1.5 Trillion in lost value per year. They have tasked us with identifying the major sources of food waste and determining the best course of action to reduce this. 

Clarifying questions:

  • You can think of them as similar to the WHO or the UN in their scope and reach
  • All options are on the table to reduce food waste
  • We do not have a set budget = this is dependent on the donations and funding we are able to get

Part 1: Sources of Waste

Part 2a: Production Waste - Contributions Brainstorming

Part 2b: Production Waste - Reductions Brainstorming

Part 2c: Production Waste - Exhibit

Part 3: Reduction in Consumption Waste

Final Recommendation

3,2 T.
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