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Internal consulting Vs. Management IT consulting?

fortune500 Internal Consulting
Letzte Aktivität am 1. März 2019
1 Antwort
1,9 T. Views
Anonym A fragte am 1. März 2019


I am having a hard time making my mind. I have two offers on the table: Internal Consultant at a fortune500 and a position at a management consultancy for an IT Ops practice.

Which one do you believe would give me the best opportunities?

I was interviewing for all MBB but made a few mistakes on my last round interviews so I am still hoping to reapply in two years and wondering which of those two offers would be seen as an OK transition.

Thank you!

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antwortete am 1. März 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


Both are good, so I would be choosing by people. IT ops practice will give you more chances to get into MBB Digital divisions.


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