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Italian Beauty Company

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Your client is Italian Beauty Company (IBC), a high quality beauty products company. It is well established in Italy.

One of their major product lines is high quality home hair-color kits. They manufacture these products in-house and sell it through retail outlets and drugstores.

Recently their market share has declined. Their competitor Cosmetica INT. has also become more popular.

IBC would like your firm’s advice.  

1. How would you start thinking about this problem?

2. Women are one of IBC’s biggest segments. However, their market share in this segment has been declining. How would you identify the reasons behind this trend?

3. What is the current market [in $] for the company?

I. Product / Market

4. What is the current level of brand awareness?

II. Customer / Brand awareness

5. What is your final recommendation?

III. Conclusion

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Weitere Fragen

How would you increase brand awareness amongst men? Can you increase brand awareness among both men and women?

We should first further segment the men’s segment, according to different needs.

  • Young men, using hair color for fun
  • Older men, using hair color to conceal grey hair

Then, we should target these segments by advertising channel.

In order to successfully target both men and women together, we must further segment the women’s segment. Then, we need to find advertising channels that can reach both segments. The advertised content must fulfill the needs of both segments.

If the interviewee solves the case very quickly, you can come up with more challenging questions to ask them.

11,6 T.
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