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Crack the Case Interview
Preparation for Case Studies
Crack the Case Interview
Case Interviews: The Hardest Part of the Consulting Recruiting ProcessWhat is a case interview, and how should you prepare for it?A case intervie(...)
Case Interviews: The Hardest Part of the Consulting Recruiting ProcessWhat is a case interview, and how should you prepare for it?A case interview is a 30-minute sim(...)
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Approaching a Case
Crack the Case Interview
How to Solve a Case Study – A Structured ApproachThis approach will allow you to crack any type of case study. Solving a case in a case interview(...)
How to Solve a Case Study – A Structured ApproachThis approach will allow you to crack any type of case study. Solving a case in a case interview is not very differe(...)
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Interviewer-Led vs Candidate-Led Cases
Crack the Case Interview
Every case-interview has a certain structure. An important factor on how your case interview is going to proceed is if the interview is interview(...)
Every case-interview has a certain structure. An important factor on how your case interview is going to proceed is if the interview is interviewer-led or led by you(...)
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Note-taking in Case Interviews
Crack the Case Interview
Note-taking Is Key to Setting Up a Good Structure for Your Case: Practice the SkillThe structure is a very important part of the case interview.(...)
Note-taking Is Key to Setting Up a Good Structure for Your Case: Practice the SkillThe structure is a very important part of the case interview. In fact, in most cas(...)
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