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Your Career at PrepLounge

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We are a globally unique job interview community that helps students prepare for upcoming interviews and land their dream job in consulting. Candidates with similar career goals can connect with each other, practice cases, and improve their consulting skills. Our vision is to provide a service that enables candidates to show their very best during their final case interviews at consulting firms such as McKinsey, Bain, Boston Consulting Group, Roland Berger, etc. We want to be part of the applicant's personal success story.

General Information on PrepLounge
PrepLounge Office

How We Work at PrepLounge

Founded in 2012, we are still a fairly young company and have kept the startup spirit from the beginning until today. We love putting ideas into action, getting started quickly, and making a real difference at work. We are passionate about what we do and we love to keep growing as a team! 

With 10 people, our team is quite small, but the team spirit we have is all the bigger. We support each other where we can and quite honestly, we just have a lot of fun together. Whether it's in the office over a ping pong match, a virtual happy hour, or a delicious PrepLunch, we not only love to work but also love to spend time together. So, join us and become part of our team!


Our Location

Our open-space office is located in the heart of Cologne between the city center and the Belgian Quarter. We can't imagine a better location!

Our Location

Our Office

A bright, spacious, and well-equipped open-space office. With a large selection of cereals, snacks, and drinks, ergonomic tables, desk chairs, table tennis table, and a view of the cathedral from our small balcony, you have everything you need for a pleasant working atmosphere!

Das team

Advantages With Us

If you want to work flexibly, if team spirit is important to you and if you are looking for a steep learning curve with a lot of personal responsibility and flat hierarchies, then you have come to the right place! 

kununu Top Company

benefits at PrepLounge

What Our Employees Say about PrepLounge

Head of Business Development

I've been with PrepLounge since 2020, and I'm genuinely happy. Over the past years, we've achieved so much, climbed many mountains together, and emerged stronger from some valleys. What I particularly like: when we go out for team events, it doesn't matter where I sit, it's always enjoyable, and that's not something to be taken for granted.

Business Development Manager

I was able to learn a lot at PrepLounge, after my lateral move from university, and the trust from my team lead allowed me to develop quickly, both professionally and personally. The open culture gives me the feeling that my opinion really counts, which quickly made me feel as a part of the whole. From the beginning on, I was given the opportunity to organize my work independently, and was also given the freedom to reduce my working hours to a 4-day week.
The team acts as one, and we have a lot of fun together, both in the office and outside of work.

Senior Business Development Manager

PrepLounge thrives on its young, dynamic team, where team spirit and mutual support are top priorities. In addition, there is a diverse daily routine, flat hierarchies, flexible working hours, a lot of personal responsibility, and an office in the heart of Cologne. This makes work fun!


I've been with PrepLounge for over 10 years now, and I still look forward to working with such a fantastic, dynamic team of bright minds every day. Creating real value for our users is truly fulfilling. Thank you!

Performance Marketing Manager

At PrepLounge, I particularly appreciate the comprehensive insights into different areas of the company and the diverse development opportunities that each of us has here. What makes the work special is our great team - a group of people who always work together, even when things don't go according to plan. And our team events? They're the cherry on top that makes working here not only productive, but also unforgettable 💙💚


A satisfied, happy and motivated team is the basis for our success at PrepLounge. That's why we attach particular importance to ensuring that everyone feels completely comfortable. We make decisions together, take time for personal development and discuss issues openly. This culture is very important to me and I am super grateful for our great team, with whom we have already achieved so much and plan much more!

Coaching Program Manager

At PrepLounge, you can expect a dynamic team that tackles joint projects with passion. Here, everyone has the opportunity to fully utilise their own strengths and constantly grow. In this inspiring environment, you not only learn new skills, but also familiarise yourself with different areas by taking on a variety of tasks.

Junior UX/UI Designer

PrepLounge was a stroke of luck for me! Stumbling upon it by chance, I didn't yet realize that I would encounter a strong and warm-hearted team, an open and communicating corporate culture, and active encouragement and support for my ongoing professional education and development. Plus, my table tennis skills have also improved thanks to the table tennis matches in my lunch breaks.

Team Assistant

Refreshingly unconventional, highly motivated, and humorous team! Respectful communication on an equal footing, fantastic working atmosphere.

Working Student Content Marketing

PrepLounge not only provides a team-oriented and pleasant working environment but has also given me an overall positive work experience since my interview. As a working student, I appreciate the diversity of my tasks and the delegation of responsible assignments. This creates a challenging and enriching atmosphere that motivates me to give my best every day.

Working Student Social Media Marketing

In the early stages of my studies, I was looking for a working student position and was unsure which company would be the best fit for me. Upon joining PrepLounge, I got to know the young team and the company culture, and immediately felt comfortable. Within just a few months, I have already learned a lot and gained insights into all areas of the company.

The flexible working hours allow me to integrate my work seamlessly into my typical student routine. Each workday is characterized by diversity and a steep learning curve. I am grateful to be a part of the team!

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