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Charts and Data in Case Interviews

We give you the best tips on how to understand and analyze graphs, charts and data presented by the interviewer in consulting case interviews.

Why Math Matters

Wondering if it's really necessary to know math skills for a case interview? Our answer is YES! Find out exactly why and what you need to apply!

Math Skills Required in Case Interviews

Nearly all the math skills required in case interviews is arithmetic. We help you do calculations with large numbers quickly and without calculators.

1 related question

Fast Math

The best way to master quick mental arithmetic is to memorize mathematical shortcuts. Find out what other tips and tricks there are here.

Important Facts

General knowledge plays an important role in solving case studies. Want to know what exactly is important for you? Read on now and find out!

8 related questions

Correlation and Causality

Understanding correlation and causality can play a critical role in consulting. When you analyze data, it is important to draw the right conclusions.

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative and quantitative analysis are two methods in data analysis that are often used in different scenarios and are important for consultants.


The ROI value indicates how much profit a campaign has generated in relation to the capital invested. ROAS calculates it even more precise.

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