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Unternehmenscase von accilium

accilium Case: School Bus Innovation

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Our client, Transportation Tech Co., is a key player in the transportation space. Recently, the client developed an innovative "kids in school (KIS)" device which it believes could prove valuable to schools and parents in Austria or Germany. We have been engaged to help our client determine whether this product should be rolled out as a school bus tracking device. The Hardware device is installed on the bus which is capable to locate pupils entering and leaving the bus. Another device is being installed at the school, which, once pupils enter, triggers a signal. The client’s primary goal is to figure out the best context/industry in which this product should be rolled out. Success is defined as profit maximization.

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1. Structuring the problem and market sizing

2. If the client were to enter the school bus market, what do you think its year 1 new device sales would be?

3. What would you expect to be the annual revenues (in terms of new product sales) in year 5?

4. What are some other sectors and outlets that could make sense for this new technology?

Weitere Fragen

How should the client proceed?

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