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Our client is a leading TV/film studio. They are concerned about the part of their business that provides post-production services internally as well as externally.The profits of this division have stagnated in the recent time.Your task is to find ways to increase the profitability of the business. Our client is a leading TV/film studio. They are concerned about the part of their business that provides post-production services internally as well as externally.The profits of this division have stagnated in the recent time.Your task is to find ways to increase the profitability of the business. (Open whole case)
Times solved
900+ Ratings
Expert case by
Your client, a private equity fund, is considering entry into the wine business through the acquisition of a vineyard called “Piumarolo” in Italy's renowned Piedmont region. Since this marks the fund's initial foray into this specific sector, they have engaged our team to conduct a preliminary marke ... Your client, a private equity fund, is considering entry into the wine business through the acquisition of a vineyard called “Piumarolo” in Italy's renowned Piedmont region. Since this marks ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Your client, ACR, is a chain of medical laboratories. They provide patients with MRI and CT scans as well as other major tests.They have expensive testing equipment in their inventory and run about 250 labs. Usually doctors refer their patients to one of the labs.Because ACR is worried about a decre ... Your client, ACR, is a chain of medical laboratories. They provide patients with MRI and CT scans as well as other major tests.They have expensive testing equipment in their inventory and ru ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
1.2k Ratings
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Our client is a consumer packaged goods company looking for top-line growth opportunities. They are considering extending its pre-existing baby products brand (e.g., Huggies) into a new product category – baby clothing.They are looking for this business to generate +$300M revenue per year, begi ... Our client is a consumer packaged goods company looking for top-line growth opportunities. They are considering extending its pre-existing baby products brand (e.g., Huggies) into a new prod ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Expert case by Ian
A startup company specializing in last mile delivery with drones is determined to reach $20M in revenue while also becoming profitable. The company's innovation lies in leveraging drone technology to revolutionize the logistics sector, specifically focusing on last-mile delivery, which accounts for ... A startup company specializing in last mile delivery with drones is determined to reach $20M in revenue while also becoming profitable. The company's innovation lies in leveraging drone tech ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Your client, Bookl, is a publishing company with stable sales in terms of both volume and price.Its distribution warehouse is reaching maximum capacity. This has lowered its service quality.The head of Bookl’s distribution department wants to extend the warehouse. The extension will cost $15 m and w ... Your client, Bookl, is a publishing company with stable sales in terms of both volume and price.Its distribution warehouse is reaching maximum capacity. This has lowered its service quality. ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
300+ Ratings
Expert case by Agrim
Our client is the CEO of BoxxFitness - a leading gym chain in the US with over 1,500 gyms. BoxxFitness is a premium gym concept with an annual membership fee that is 2-3x higher than most mainstream gyms. Each gym has a limited number of membership slots. Each member gets a dedicated locker, unlimit ... Our client is the CEO of BoxxFitness - a leading gym chain in the US with over 1,500 gyms. BoxxFitness is a premium gym concept with an annual membership fee that is 2-3x higher than most ma ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Expert case by Moritz
CLIENT OBJECTIVEOur client is Convenio, a US based company that operates a number of micro convenience stores and vending machines throughout the country. Convenio is considering the launch of a new product to enable convenience in passenger transportation and is seeking McKinsey’s help to determine ... CLIENT OBJECTIVEOur client is Convenio, a US based company that operates a number of micro convenience stores and vending machines throughout the country. Convenio is considering the launch ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Expert case by Xabi
The client is CarRentalCo, a global car rental company present on the European and North American markets. In Europe, it is present in most EU countries but has not yet entered the Baltic countries. CarRentalCo has asked us to determine whether or not they should enter the Baltic (Estonia, Latv ... The client is CarRentalCo, a global car rental company present on the European and North American markets. In Europe, it is present in most EU countries but has not yet entered the Baltic co ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
200+ Ratings
Expert case by Giulia
Your client is a US-based manufacturer of branded cookies, Gumbread Inc. The client realized that their sales have declined in recent years. The client wants to know what they should do to do drive sales again. Your client is a US-based manufacturer of branded cookies, Gumbread Inc. The client realized that their sales have declined in recent years. The client wants to know what they should do to do drive sales again. (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Your client, ChemInt, is a global chemicals company that manufactures Ponsulene in some locations around the world.It has several joint ventures (JV) in Asian markets and in total 5 plants in China, Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan, all of which serve the local markets as well as neighboring markets incl ... Your client, ChemInt, is a global chemicals company that manufactures Ponsulene in some locations around the world.It has several joint ventures (JV) in Asian markets and in total 5 plants i ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
500+ Ratings
Your client is the CEO of Wiehle, a major household appliance manufacturer. It has been decided that a coffee machine should be added to the product line. The question is how this coffee machine should be designed: either to exclusively use Wiehle pads or to be compatible with the pads of existing t ... Your client is the CEO of Wiehle, a major household appliance manufacturer. It has been decided that a coffee machine should be added to the product line. The question is how this coffee mac ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
300+ Ratings
Expert case by Deniz
CoffeeWorks is one of the leading coffee retail chains in the UK. The client is planning to introduce reusable cups with an aim to decrease the consumption of single-use disposable cups. The main goal of the client is to enhance their brand image as a sustainable retailer without harming curren ... CoffeeWorks is one of the leading coffee retail chains in the UK. The client is planning to introduce reusable cups with an aim to decrease the consumption of single-use disposable cups.&nbs ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Our client is a college that plans to add an inter-collegiate football team to its athletic program.They have approached us in order to determine if that is a good idea. Our client is a college that plans to add an inter-collegiate football team to its athletic program.They have approached us in order to determine if that is a good idea. (Open whole case)
Times solved
700+ Ratings
Expert case by Clara
Your client is the CEO of Heathrow airport (London), the busiest airport in Europe in terms of commercial traffic.Due to COVID-19, the airport's operations and hence, revenue streams, have been severely affected.The CEO asks for your help with the preparation of the upcoming Steerco, focused on:“How ... Your client is the CEO of Heathrow airport (London), the busiest airport in Europe in terms of commercial traffic.Due to COVID-19, the airport's operations and hence, revenue streams, have b ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
300+ Ratings
Our client, Daily Journal is a highly respected & upscale newspaper which is read widely in the UK. The paper is positioned between the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Recently, the newspaper added an online segment which is a spin-off from the motherfirm. is current ... Our client, Daily Journal is a highly respected & upscale newspaper which is read widely in the UK. The paper is positioned between the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Recent ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
1.1k Ratings
Expert case by Cristian
Let’s assume our client is LETA Bank, a large Central European bank with around 3M customers and within the top five banks in the mid-sized European country where it is operating. In a recent benchmarking exercise led by the European banking group that owns the bank, LETA Bank appears to be underper ... Let’s assume our client is LETA Bank, a large Central European bank with around 3M customers and within the top five banks in the mid-sized European country where it is operating. In a recen ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
Expert case by Ben
Our client is RedBus, one of several operators of iconic double-decker public transport buses in London. Over the past three years RedBus have experienced declining profitability, as a result of reduced demand for buses due to growth in affordable taxi services, such as Uber.The client is looking to ... Our client is RedBus, one of several operators of iconic double-decker public transport buses in London. Over the past three years RedBus have experienced declining profitability, as a resul ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
100+ Ratings
Our client is a start-up company that wants to mass-produce an electric vehicle for the US market.So far it has developed a prototype all-electric vehicle.They hired us to solve the problem of swapping to mass-production. Our client is a start-up company that wants to mass-produce an electric vehicle for the US market.So far it has developed a prototype all-electric vehicle.They hired us to solve the problem of swapping to mass-production. (Open whole case)
Times solved
400+ Ratings
Expert case by Cristian
Our client, Element Mobile (EM), is the largest German telecommunications provider, with an impressive supply chain comprised of dozens of suppliers, six distribution centres, and hundreds of stores. EM offers a variety of products to its 20 million customers, including sim cards, broadband, phones, ... Our client, Element Mobile (EM), is the largest German telecommunications provider, with an impressive supply chain comprised of dozens of suppliers, six distribution centres, and hundreds o ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
< 100 Ratings
1 - 20 of 87 results

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What are cases?

Cases, also known as case studies, are business problems that a candidate is presented with during a case interview at a management consultancy. The challenge is to solve it under pressure and in a structured way.

Why are consulting cases so important for your preparation?

Consulting interviews are among the most competitive and difficult job interviews that exist. Interviewers use cases as an indicator to test whether you have what it takes to become a successful consultant. In order to pass, you need to ace the case interview part. And in order to ace the case interview part, you need to be well-prepared. Thus, practicing cases is one of the most important aspects of interview preparation in consulting. During different rounds of interviews you will have to solve cases again and again to prove your structured and analytical thinking as well as your communication skills.

How can I practice cases?

You can practice cases on your own and go through them to get a first feeling for the structure. Afterwards, you should go into a real interview environment and practice cases with other members on the platform. You will find more than 50 mock-interview requests on the Meeting Board every day, which you can easily accept. If there is nothing suitable on the Meeting Board, you can also use the Candidate Listing. Here you can find active members on the platform and send them a direct meeting request. If you want to take your case practice to the next level, we recommend you to schedule coaching sessions with our coaches who have many years of experience in helping candidates receive their dream job offer.

What is the difference between Candidate-led and Interviewer-led?

In an interviewer-led case interview, the interviewer leads through the conversation. This means that the interviewer asks specific questions and also controls the time you have to analyze and answer different questions and therefore the depth of your analysis. In contrast, the candidate-led style (which is more common) is about you taking the initiative as a candidate. The initial problem is given to you by your interviewer. Afterwards, you have the freedom to structure the case according to your ideas and to ask questions proactively in order to find a solution to the problem.

What are real cases?

Real cases in the PrepLounge Case Library are cases that were submitted by management consultancies and have been treated as such within the company. They were made available from the real interview process. In this way, you can gain deep insights into the requirements of the case interview with the respective top consultancies (e.g. Bain & Company, Roland Berger, Deloitte, Oliver Wyman). We have marked these cases with the corresponding company logo.

What are expert cases?

Expert cases were created by our PrepLounge coaches and either contain real problems that the experts have already dealt with in their lives as consultants or cases from actual consulting interviews they took part in. They offer you an optimal preparation through the different subjects, levels of difficulty and styles. And the best thing is: If you have questions about the cases, you can ask them directly to the authors.

What are video case solutions?

Video case solutions are cases in which we provide you with a solution that includes a YouTube video. With this we want to help you to understand case solutions even better.

What does the rating of the cases mean?

Every member has the possibility to rate a case and leave feedback on the case. This gives you the opportunity to call up a ranking and solve the cases that are particularly popular in the community. It also gives us the opportunity to continuously improve our cases in order to provide you with the best possible practice material.

Which are the most interesting cases on PrepLounge?

Which cases are most interesting for you depends on your personal preference and your level of knowledge. If you are just starting with the case interview preparation, beginner cases are probably the most interesting ones for you. You also have the possibility to filter by different categories, such as personal fit, market analysis or brain teaser and many more, in order to address exactly the topics that are most relevant for your application.

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A Vast Selection of Management Consulting Cases

Our selection of case studies mirror the wide variety in real case interviews. Thus, you can solve challenging problems around market sizing, market-entry, pricing, or operations strategy. Moreover, all provided cases are marked with a level of difficulty and the respective case style. This will allow you to filter for interviewer-led (as used by McKinsey) and candidate-led cases. In addition, some of our corporate partners granted some great original cases that have been used in real interviews. Check them out to get some authentic insights about the real application process of top firms like Bain, Roland Berger, and many more. These cases are clearly indicated by the firm's logo.
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