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Reception Event

Bain BCG BCG Bain McKinsey BCG McKinsey and Bain
New answer on Jun 17, 2020
10 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Jun 17, 2020

Hi All,

I saw a reception invitation from Bain Web. I want to ask a couple of questions

1. What are the main or (hidden) benefits of attending this reception? considering it will be online

2. If I upload my Resume for this event(as they require), but I will just apply for the position next year. Will they have and check the resume I uploaded for this event (when I am going through the recruiting process) ? Since I want to do much revision for my resume.

3. What should I do to maximize the benefit by attending this event ? Thank you

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Anonymous replied on Jun 17, 2020


I think it’s worth investing your time and effort in this event.

  1. The main benefit is that you can have a clearer prespective on the local specifics and use them for your FIT interview as well as networking strategy
  2. You will have to upload a new CV and that’s it
  3. Difficult to answer without exact details and agenda. But as I previously said you should aim to get some specifics for your fit and networking strategies. You can also try to find local case partners there.

Good luck!


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replied on Jun 17, 2020
BCG | Received offers from all MBB & Tier 1Firms | Supporting you secure your top tier consulting offer


  1. The main benefits are networking and learning more about the practices & office specificities (practices, deadlines, etc.)
  2. You will have to upload it again next year
  3. Networking with the firm (Partners, HRs, etc.), learning more about their types of engagements, potentially finding case cracking partners within the participants, etc.

All the best,


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Anonymous replied on Jun 17, 2020

I I think it is alway beneficial to come to this event for:

  1. Know more about the company
  2. Understand the people to be connected in the future for referral, case practice

Don't worry about the CV as they will not count it as a formal application

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Content Creator
replied on Jun 17, 2020
McKinsey offers w/o final round interviews - 100% risk-free - 10+ years MBB coaching experience - Multiple book author

Hi Anonymous,

  1. Main idea is to learn as much as possible about the firm, so that you can make a really well-informed decision at the end of the day for yourself. Also good to have engaging conversations with Bainies there - might be an opportunity to establish a networking relationship, which might come in very handy later.
  2. No, you can (and need) to upload the updated CV later anyway - no need to worry about that.
  3. Think about your own questions upfront and check (if possible) who is participating from Bain side to check their background and expertise, so that you can prepare accordingly for interesting discussions with them.

Hope this helps - if so, please be so kind and give it a thumbs-up with the green upvote button below!


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Content Creator
replied on Jun 17, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


For sure this things are woth it, recruiting events are one of the things with highest ROIs in the recruiting process!

My toughts:

  1. Networking! Getting to know people that you can connect with later.
  2. Most likely, you will need to update it agin next year -which is good in any case-.
  3. Be present, ask questions, connect!

Hope it helps!



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Anonymous replied on Jun 17, 2020

1. Know the company, ask questions, network

2. This will not go into a screening process in principle. But in your place, I would not take any risk and would send a perfect CV!

3. Listen carefully, take notes and prepare some questions !


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Content Creator
replied on Jun 17, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached


This is an example of how you should create your network before applying. Even if it is online you will have the chance to get in touch with HRs and consultants that can help you during your application.
Regarding your CV: they will not look at the old CV but I would suggest to do now as much as possible of the review you were talking about. Competition to join these events is big and CV is the key to assure your success.


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Content Creator
replied on Jun 17, 2020
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience


As long as you aren't applying on the recruiting platform this will not count as a final application resume. You can also always double check with HR

That being said even if this isnt the final resume it should have 0 errors and should be as good as a resume you would use to apply for a role in the firm



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Content Creator
replied on Jun 17, 2020
Bain Consultant | Interviewer for 3 years at Bain |Passionate about coaching |I will make you a case interview Rockstar

Hi Anonymous,

It would be helpful if you indicate exactly which event you plan on attending.

1. The main purpose of such an event is to let people know more about what Bain does and its recruiting process. Since its online your opportunity to network is limited. Thus the main benefit is learning more about Bain if that is helpful to you.

2. You will have the opportunity to upload a new resume when you apply.

3. Make sure to prepare some questions that you may have about Bain, working there, and interviewing with Bain.


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Content Creator
replied on Jun 17, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

We really need more details - is this a multi-week program or just 1 webinar? I'll assume it's an invite-only multi-week program. In which case

1. Chance of receiving an interview through formal or informal processes (formal = they interview x%, or interview the winners of a final case comp, informal = you made a connection during that time who refers you)

2. No, when you apply later they'll just look at your new resume

3. Make #1 happen ;)

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