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Business math cases

balance sheet income statement Math problem Valuation
Neue Antwort am 30. Apr. 2024
4 Antworten
Aviv fragte am 23. Apr. 2024

Hi everybody!

I'm really looking for cases that would stretch my business math skills.

I've already practiced a lot of cases using ROI/Payback period/Break-Even.

I'm interested in cases using principles of: Income Statement, Balance sheet, Valuation (Both Comparables and DCF).

Please direct to sources that include the above.

Thanks a lot!



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antwortete am 23. Apr. 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach


Great to see that you're targeted in terms of practicing your business maths. 

Honestly, you don't need ‘Income Statement, Balance sheet, Valuation (Both Comparables and DCF).’ for consulting interviews. Unless you are applying for a specialist role within let's say the Corporate Finance practice, they don't expect you to know these things by heart. 

So it might not be worth putting a lot of effort into learning them. 

In fact, pretty much all the terms that you need for consulting interviews you can find here:

Sharing also a few cases of mine that have calculation components which you might want to practice (as these are based on real MBB interviews):


War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Aviv am 24. Apr. 2024

Hi Cristian! I'm really not preparing for a specific practice, so thank you very much for aiming my scope. Also thanks for the resources you shared, I really appreciate this. Best, Aviv

antwortete am 24. Apr. 2024
Former BCG interviewer (75+ interviews for associates, consultants and MBA hires) | I will make your practice perfect

Hi Aviv,

Echoing Cristian here. The interviews for generalist roles are typically structured in such a way that your background shouldn't influence your ability to solve the case. Therefore, the interviewer doesn't expect any deep expertise in these topics. So, unless you are applying for a role where this expertise is required, I wouldn't spend too much time on cracking these very specific cases.


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Aviv am 24. Apr. 2024

Hi Oliver, Thank you very much for your response. I won't be putting anymore efforts into this, as I'm not applying for a specific practice. Thanks, Aviv


antwortete am 24. Apr. 2024
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

For some reason (I guess case interview books whose authors were never consultants themselves) people keep asking for that type of cases.

But in reality, you won't have any cases requiring you to analyze a balance sheet or to perform a DCF valuation.

Income statements will always be analytical, i.e., revenue breakdown per business line (or country) and cost breakdown by major cost types. Or revenue and operating margin. It is never more complex than this.

While you may have valid reasons to look for such cases, in general, that is not where you should be focusing for case interviews (even ROI/Payback are quite rare, although is breakeven a bit more common).

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Aviv am 24. Apr. 2024

Hey Pedro! Thank you very much for sharing with me from your experience! Best, Aviv


Content Creator
antwortete am 30. Apr. 2024
Ex-McKinsey Associate Partner | +15 years in consulting | +200 McKinsey 1st & 2nd round interviews

Those are not comment things checked during consulting interviews. In any case, you have a good set of cases in the PrepLounge library.



Check out my latest case based on a real MBB interview: Sierra Springs

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