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Daily Journal

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Our client, Daily Journal is a highly respected & upscale newspaper which is read widely in the UK. The paper is positioned between the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Recently, the newspaper added an online segment which is a spin-off from the motherfirm. Dailyjournal.com is currently just an online version of the newspaper, but work is underway to structure the online version into a consumer-appealing website. 

Their main goal is to earn revenue from the website and that's where you come in. The client wants to know how to generate revenue from the website?

Sample Structure

I. Approach

1. How would you approach such a case?

II. Revenue Models

2. Now that you have some information on the site stats, what kind of revenue models can we think of for the client?

III. Transaction Model

3. Let's look into the transaction model, how would that look like and what is the estimated revenue the company can generate?

IV. Revenue Calculation

4. Great, say we want to estimate how much revenue could the company generate with this model, assuming that the site gets 1 m unique visitors per year and annually 25 m articles are read, the company wants to publish 100,000 premium articles a year and it is expected that each visitor will read about a 1,000 premium articles a year?

V. Recommendation

5. Since we have less time, let's round it up. Say you come across the client and he wants a quick summary - what would you say to him?

Weitere Fragen

In today's age and with the knowledge you might have on newspapers & magazines, which model is better to pursue - subscription model, advertising or transaction model? Why?

14,7 T.
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