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Expertencase von Ian

MBB - Sky China

7,6 T.
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100+ Bewertungen


Sky China, a government-backed Chinese airline, has recently seen profits plummet due to COVID-19. Profits are down 80% in the months of February and March, but are showing early signs of a rebound in April. 

They've brought you in to first investigate what can be done immediatedly to prevent hemorrhaging cash and surive in the short-term. They are also looking to see how the current situation can be viewed as an opportunity, and what can be done to prepare for the future. 

I. Cost cutting - Airline Cost Brainstorming

I. Cost cutting - Cost Drivers – Possible Cost Cutting

I. Cost cutting - Cost Reduction Estimations

I. Cost cutting - Cost Reduction Calculations

II. Revenue fixes (including Future Plans)

7,6 T.
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