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Expertencase von Ian

Bain + BCG Hot Wheels - Part 2 WITH VIDEO SOLUTION

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< 100 Bewertungen


Our client is Korean Car Parts (KCP), a multi-national original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of car parts based in Korea. They've recently seen a decline in profits and have brought us in to understand how to address this falling profitability.


To get a deep-dive explanation of the case leadership behind this case, please read this article:  Candidate-Led Cases: What to Expect With Example Cases

This case is part two of a series. The goal of this series is to demonstrate how an identical case prompt (and corresponding framework) could lead to multiple different outcomes. The goal is to train you to adjust to case information in an agile and adaptable way.

The 1st part of the series can be found here: 

Case - BCG Hot Wheels With Video Solution

I. Geographic/Market Analysis

In the first phase, the candidate needs to figure out if there is an overall market and/or geographic reason for the client's falling profits. The interviewee needs to ask if we’re seeing differences in the different markets the client serves. They should also ask whether competition is universally seeing the same falling profits that we are.

II: Market + Competitor Analysis – Part 1

II: Market + Competitor Analysis – Part 2

III. Solution

Before making a final recommendation, a strong candidate will make sure that we have covered all bases. Below are good questions for them to ask and suggested answers:

Video Lösung

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Weitere Fragen

Question: Are there any other markets you would recommend our client expand into? Why?

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