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252 Bewertungen
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach
strength-based development
PEI storylining
first principles thinking
Deutschland (UTC +1)
279 USD / h
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach
strength-based development
PEI storylining
first principles thinking
279 USD / h
Content Creator
828 Coachings
36.880 Q&A Upvotes
164 Awards
Über Cristian

Welcome! 👋 I'm Cristian, the highest-rated MBB & McKinsey coach on this platform (check out the Coaches page for rankings). 

I've worked with over 325 candidates across all tiers and levels of seniority.

My success rates are:

90% overall success rate (candidates who received offers / total candidates who finalised the recruitment process)

70% MBB success rate (candidates who received MBB offers / total candidates who interviewed with MBB) - 65% of which received McKinsey offers

I value transparency, and I'm the only coach in the industry who publishes an annual review and verifiable success rates.

My feedback style is direct and aligned with McKinsey's strength-based development philosophy. 

Whoever you are and wherever you come from, I believe that between you and your dream job is just a bunch of work. And I'm here to help you get through it in the most efficient, effective and elegant way possible.


Here's my story:

I joined McKinsey virtually by accident - I never planned to become a consultant. As I was graduating from Oxford, I was offered a great job that I decided at the last minute not to take and found myself jobless, with no clue which way to go. My girlfriend at the time was applying for management consulting, and because it seemed like the cherry at the top of the corporate world, I decided to give it a shot. I practised hard, got a few offers and chose McKinsey. I was so happy! 

But it soon turned out that I knew nothing about consulting and hated the job. My performance reflected that. By the end of the first year, I was close to ‘Issues’, which in McKinsey terms is the last stop before being 'encouraged' to leave. I sought mentorship and spent much time thinking about my path. I gradually understood that I was not just a consultant but an agent of change within the Firm and the client’s organisation. With my mindset, my performance changed. 

I spent almost five years in McKinsey, with the last four consistently rated in the top quartile of performers in the region. I was fast-track promoted twice and worked across eight countries and nine industries. I had clients who genuinely and personally thanked me for the impact I delivered. I spent time coaching junior colleagues and acted as faculty at McKinsey’s new joiners training (coaching new consultants on how to do the job).

Summer of 2021, I left McKinsey. It was a great place, but I decided to move on. Like in a marriage where we just grew apart but stayed friends, we still share pleasant memories of each other. Following my instincts, I started a coaching practice, I'm writing a book, and I cause mayhem with my toddler. 

If you want to get to know each other or have additional questions, reach out for an introductory call! I’m happy to share some advice and talk about my experience. The recruitment journey to consulting can be challenging, but anybody can do it. Set a clear goal, plan, get the help you need, and stay consistent. I’ll be cheering you on.

You can also read about my profile on the McKinsey website here.

My approach centres around creating 3 areas of mastery for candidates:

1. First principles structuring. In a market where candidates are pushed to learn frameworks by heart, I teach candidates to develop the thinking process of consultants. That enables them to have a distinctive performance in interviews and an accelerated path during their first year in consulting.

2. Compelling storytelling. You cannot change your past, but you can get better at telling your story. Mastering this becomes a total enabler: getting more referrals by knowing how to present your experience, wowing interviewers with answers to personal fit questions and passing screening with distinctive CVs and Cover Letters.

3. Spike enhancement. Most candidates who are well-prepared fail because they are good at everything but great at nothing. MBBs, in particular, want marks of distinctiveness. I teach candidates how to grow inherent strengths into obvious spikes. Interviewers love it.  

To achieve these areas of mastery, my approach involves both coaching technique and mindset. The latter is often what enables my candidates to not only get multiple offers, but kick off their consulting careers with an advantage. 

Click ‘Show More’ to read in more detail about my full transparency commitment, how I maintain a 100% success rate and why I choose to serve less than half of the coaching demand I receive.

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1. Jan. 2025
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28. Dez. 2024
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30. Nov. 2024
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McKinsey & Company
2017 - 2021
2016 - Jetzt
Kein Abschluss
University of Oxford
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Top 3 | 13 Coachings
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Cristian erhielt im Jahr 2024 6 Mal einen Award für die meisten Q&A Antworten.
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Beinhaltet 5 Sessions
16 Bewertungen
5 maßgeschneiderte Sessions
Personal Fit & Case Mastery
Erste Prinzipien zum richtigen Denken

Hinweis: Der Grundpreis für dieses Paket wurde vorübergehend reduziert. Ich werde den Preis in der nächsten Zeit erhöhen. 

Wenn du den Einstellungsprozess beschleunigen und deine Chancen auf ein Angebot maximieren willst, ist dieses Paket genau das Richtige für dich. Diese fünf Sessions sind dazu gedacht, deine Herangehensweise an die Case-Lösung, den Personal Fit Teil und den gesamten Einstellungsprozess komplett zu überarbeiten.

Path to Consulting Package
Path to Consulting Package
16 Bewertungen
5 maßgeschneiderte Sessions
Personal Fit & Case Mastery
Erste Prinzipien zum richtigen Denken
5 maßgeschneiderte Sessions
Personal Fit & Case Mastery
Erste Prinzipien zum richtigen Denken
Masterclass: Erste Prinzipien zur Strukturierung
Masterclass: Erste Prinzipien zur Strukturierung
Jeden Case ohne "gelernte Frameworks" knacken
1-on-1 zugeschnitten auf deine Stärken und Schwächen
Umfassendes Angebot an Lernmaterial
Jeden Case ohne "gelernte Frameworks" knacken
1-on-1 zugeschnitten auf deine Stärken und Schwächen
Umfassendes Angebot an Lernmaterial
60 Minuten
252 Bewertungen
279 USD / h
Termin buchen
30 Minuten
252 Bewertungen
199 USD / h
Termin buchen
Interview-Coaching + CV-Review
90 Minuten
252 Bewertungen
469 USD / h
Termin buchen
Tests & Guides
Master the McKinsey PEI
Master the McKinsey PEI
1,5-stündiger Videokurs zur Entwicklung unverwechselbarer PEI-Geschichten
Enthält 3 Aufnahmen von echten und erfolgreichen McKinsey-Interviews mit PEI Geschichten
Enthält die Strukturvorlage für Geschichten und die häufigsten echten PEI Interviewfragen
1,5-stündiger Videokurs zur Entwicklung unverwechselbarer PEI-Geschichten
Enthält 3 Aufnahmen von echten und erfolgreichen McKinsey-Interviews mit PEI Geschichten
Enthält die Strukturvorlage für Geschichten und die häufigsten echten PEI Interviewfragen
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