The idea of practicing hundreds of cases and learning different frameworks can be overwhelming. Most methods teach you how someone else solves a case, forcing you to spend hundreds of hours trying to change the way they think. Candidates then often try to "plug & chug" a previous case in their interviews and fail to solve it. When I first began practicing case prep, I had no idea what I was doing, but I also didn't want to spend a year learning to do it! By approaching my prep differently, I practiced <20 cases and still received 2/2 offers.
My approach focuses on your own problem solving approach. I will coach you to recognise your natural ability rather than teaching you someone elses. You will learn to structure and solve cases in a way that feels natural to you.
There is more to a case interview than a good solution. The right manner and presence could tip you over the edge to a "yes", even with an imperfect case solution. Implementing small changes to your communication style can give the impression of a far more structured and confident person. My approach also focuses on these important factors that candidates (and coaches!) often forget about.
Fit interview prep
Often, too little focus is placed on fit interview preparation. This is my area of expertise; I have helped 60+ students develop their story to sell a clear and consistent message to the interviewing firm. While we all have something unique to offer, it can be difficult to see it in ourselves - I can coach you to capture this personal brand and effectively market yourself.