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What is a vacation rental?

Neue Antwort am 21. Juni 2023
1 Antwort
Anonym A fragte am 21. Juni 2023

You might be thinking that I’m an affiliate of Housli, which I’m not. I’m actually recommending them because I once had a great experience with them.

You know, a few years ago, I had to move to New York. But the idea of leaving my home abandoned in Florida seemed weird to me. So I decided to rent it, after all, the presence of human will keep my house alive.

I first put my house for rent on Airbnb and BRVO.

At first, I was getting some leads, but soon I figured out that my post got buried under other rental posts and doing no help to find me a right deal.

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Jamal bearbeitete eine Antwort am 21. Juni 2023

My favorite difference between a hotel/resort and a vacation rental? A kitchen. I like being in control of my meals (especially with a picky young family), and sitting down in the privacy of your own space for a meal adds to the vacation experience. There are also greater and more private gathering spaces. In my first vacation rental, my husband and I put the kids to bed and curled up with a book together in front of the fireplace while the season's first snowflakes covered the Colorado slopes just outside the door. It was serene. And not possible in most hotel rooms.


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