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Looking for Mergers and Acquisition Cases- Interviewer led/ McKinsey Style

Hey All,

Does anyone have any M & A cases they could please share with me? Please send me a message if yu dont feel confortable posting here....

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am 7. Dez. 2017
Project leader BCG, Bain and A.T. Kearney / 200+ real interviews

Hi Alic,

Have you already checked the M&A cases available on Preplounge? If you haven’t yet you will find them under ‘Resources’, ’Case Library’ and then filter the Topic ‘Mergers & Acquisition’.

Also, you might want to check the bootcamp lesson on M&A here:

Other than that, I have been using two M&A cases based on real projects to interview candidates during the years but I don't have their solutions in a written format.

Hope it helps,


am 27. Sept. 2017
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Deborah,

you can easily find a good number of M&A cases for free online; in order to practice on that you can proceed as follows:

  1. Download some of the main free MBA handbooks available online. I would recommend one of the top business schools (INSEAD and MIT for example have some good ones).
  2. Skim the handbooks looking for M&A cases; if they are in readable pdf format, you can find them as simply as searching for specific M&A keywords.
  3. Read as many M&A cases as possible, then practice live with peers on PrepLounge; if you still have doubts or can’t see significant progress, you may consider booking an expert session to improve further.

Hope this helps,


am 8. Okt. 2017
Hi, Thanks for this, I have over 60 case books and have been through a number of them but honestly there are not many M & A Cases in them. If you do know any with some do let me know the names and I can skim through those books. Hope to hear from you soon!
am 26. Sept. 2017
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School

Hi, I have M&A cases which I do with my students (Both DD and synergy types). Unfortunately can't share here since they are from the real interviews. Feel free to reach me if you need a session.

am 8. Okt. 2017
Thanks, if you know any public M & A resources that would be of great assistance!
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