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Do prompts often give specified steps for solving the case?

LightFast - Launching high-speed broadband in Indonesia
Neue Antwort am 21. März 2021
3 Antworten
1,6 T. Views
Lingzi fragte am 6. März 2021

I found it a bit confusing that this case was labeled as candidate-led, but had 3 very specific questions in the prompt and didn't seem to need a candidate structure to solve. Would a real consulting case give such specific steps in the prompt? If something like this does happen, then should we just roll with the prompt instead of proposing our own sturcture?

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Content Creator
antwortete am 6. März 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi Lingzi,

First, the 3 very specific questions aren't in the prompt! They're in the "Comments" section. This section is not for the interviewee to see!

Now, for a "real consulting case" you should expect anything. Plenty of people don't even get a case! Or they get a set of random brainstorming questions. Or, they get a very very narow/explicit thing to solve for. Please don't get fooled into thinking only a narrow set of things will happen during your interview!

If these things do happen, you need to "roll" with the flow. Whatever it seems the interviewer is looking for, you need to do!

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Content Creator
antwortete am 7. März 2021
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut

Hello Lingzi!

Careful with the different parts there, since the questions are not part of hte promp -and hence, not for the interviewee to read before hand-.

This is I would recommend you to always practice with someone else - these things arise as issues when you do it by yourself.

Hope it helps!



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Content Creator
antwortete am 21. März 2021
FREE 15MIN CONSULTATION | #1 Strategy& / OW coach | >70 5* reviews |90% offers ⇨ prep-success.super.site | MENA, DE, UK

This is actually my case that is based on a real consulting interview case!

The prompts were for the interviewer to propose rather than the interviewee

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