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Expertencase von Ian

MBB - Climate Change Operations - Part 2

1,1 T.
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< 100 Bewertungen


Note: If you have not already done so, first work through the 1st part of this case: https://www.preplounge.com/en/management-consulting-cases/candidate-led-usual-style/intermediate/mbb-climate-change-operations-285

This case is designed to show you how a case can evolve/change based on new information. The first half of this case is the same, but diverges once data and $s are provided.


A mid-sized manufacturing company is concerned about the potential impacts of climate change on its operations. The company has a number of factories located in coastal regions that are vulnerable to flooding and other weather-related events, and it is concerned about the potential financial and reputational risks associated with these events. The company's leadership team has asked your consulting firm to help them understand the risks they face and develop a plan to mitigate those risks.

Clarifying Information

  • Our client’s objective is to maintain long-term profitability
  • Our client’s factories are located throughout the US


Part 1: Identifying Risk Areas

Part 2: Risk Mitigation - Brainstorming

Part 3: Risk Mitigation – Data

Part 4: Remaining Factories

Final Recommendation

1,1 T.
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