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Expertencase von Agrim

Bain Final Round: Pharmacy Delivery Entry

1,3 T.
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< 100 Bewertungen


Our client is a pharmacy in Dubai - called NewWave Pharmacy. This pharmacy wants to start a new & unique delivery service and want to understand if it is a good idea or not? If yes, then how should they price it? And how should they start it?

Clarifying Questions

Take 1-minute to write down 5-7 clarifying questions. Use the 4P and 3C frameworks to create intelligent clarifying questions

Sample Structure

The main case question is the business decision of evaluating if the delivery service is a suitable initiative for NewWave. Evaluating a business decision not only involves looking at the direct financial benefits but also requires a holistic look at non-direct benefits, non-financial benefits, issues, challenges, and other considerations. Below, we have a step-by-step guide on how to structure your approach.

Profitability Analysis of the Delivery Service

After outlining the framework in the previous section, the candidate should proceed towards estimating the financial feasibility of the new delivery service.

Evaluation of the delivery service opportunity

When we evaluate this deal based on our framework through the lenses of Financial, Strategic, Operational, and Legal pillars; we get an overall promising recommendation

Determining the Pricing

Now that we have assessed the opportunity and deemed it beneficial for NewWave, the next step is to determine an appropriate pricing model. This calculation requires a consideration of various financial and strategic factors.

Brainstorming to build on the service

Case Conclusion

1,3 T.
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