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Expertencase von Gaurav

Case with a twist: Chinese Alloy Wheels – US Market Entry

5,1 T.
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< 100 Bewertungen


Our client is an alloy wheels manufacturer based in China. The client is contemplating entering the US market. At this point of time, the client sells the wheels in the China market. In order to make the wheels for the US market, he will have to expand its production capacity. As a result, whether to enter the US or not is a high-stake decision. He has hired BCG to advise him on this issue. 

Solution: Sample Structure

I. Background

II. Part 1 – Market Sizing

III. Part 2 – Market Competitiveness

IV. Part 3 – Product Fitment

V. Part 4 – Entry Route

VI. Conclusion

5,1 T.
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