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0 Bewertungen
Active top-tier strategy consultant | 100% candidate success rate | Expert in application, interview & day1 prep
Application strategy & documents (CV, cover letter)
Interview preparation (personal fit, case prep, online tests)
Job coaching (day1 preparation, associate training)
Deutsch, Englisch
Deutschland (UTC +2)
149 USD / h
Active top-tier strategy consultant | 100% candidate success rate | Expert in application, interview & day1 prep
Application strategy & documents (CV, cover letter)
Interview preparation (personal fit, case prep, online tests)
Job coaching (day1 preparation, associate training)
149 USD / h
0 Coachings
0 Q&A Upvotes
0 Awards

You want to score your dream job or internship offer in consulting and become one of the best new hires / interns of your firm? 

This is exactly what I have successfully helped to achieve for dozens of aspiring consultants around the globe (currently 100% success rate in achieving a consulting offer). Although new to PrepLounge, I have been working as a personal coach in this field for over 3 years now. Besides my coaching engagements, I work as an active freelance consultant for a wide variety of top-tier strategy consulting firms. This gives me (and yourself) incredible insights into how the different firms recruit. What they are looking for in case interviews, what they want to hear when asking why you want to join them, how they evaluate your interview performance, and so on... 

However, my focus is not only on the interview preparation. My target is to provide you with support along your entire journey as an aspiring consultant - because scoring the offer is only the first challenge ahead of you. Therefore, I have also specialized in preparing you for your job or internship start and to coach you all the skills required to be successful on the job within your first 2 years in the firm.


1) Application coaching (recommended coaching sessions: 2)

  • We develop an application strategy tailored to your situation (i.e. which firm when and how to apply to).
  • We create the perfect consulting CV that has the right focus and key words to catch the attention of recruiters (incl. complementary CV template which has proven successful hundreds of times in consulting).
  • Together, we craft a powerful cover letter that stands out of the big crowd of applicants.

2) Interview coaching (recommended coaching sessions: 15)

  • We will set-up a concrete preparation plan and I will teach you all the basics to how approach a consulting interview.
  • We will work through my list of top-asked personal fit questions and develop perfect answers for your individual personality and background (e.g. what are your weaknesses?) and prepare firm-specific questions (e.g. McKinsey stories).
  • We will do an extensive case study training using our industry-leading "think-like-a-consultant" approach: Solving case studies is not a matter of practicing frameworks! Since most case studies are simplified real-live cases, the best way to solve them is to approach them like an experienced consultant. So I will make you one! You will receive complementary industry and consulting approach briefings. Those will teach you all the relevant insights for every core industry (e.g. pharma industry) and how experienced consultants approach typical consulting topics (e.g. due dilligence). After that, we will practice case studies from my library of real case studies that have been used at top consulting firms in the past. 
  • I will teach you how to approach the online tests of some firms and will provide you with further practice tests.

3) Day1 coaching / On-the-job Associate coaching (please get in contact with me before the coaching to discuss the scope)

  • I will teach you how to prepare for your day1: How to improve your chances of getting staffed on a great project, how to do your first staffing call, what to do on your first days in the firm, and so on ...
  • We will go through the core stakeholders as a consultant (your client, your project team, your firm and yourself) and discuss the key learnings of experienced consultants on how to successfully reach their expectations towards you. 
  • We will develop a concrete career plan and work on development needs and individual focus topics.


  • Successfully trained dozens of aspiring consultants (currently 100% success rate in achieving job offer in consulting for my students)
  • One of the few coaches that are still active as a top-tier strategy consultant with latest recruiting insights from many leading consulting firms
  • Complimentary ressources (e.g. CV template, personal fit question list, industry & framework briefings for solving case studies) 
  • Training approaches & ressources developed together with experienced interviewers from several leading top-tier strategy consulting firms
  • Industry-leading approach towards case study training using our "think-like-a-consultant approach"


I know that personal coaching isn't cheap. But I strongly encourage you to approach this investment from a very analytical perspective: 

  1. Start by defining what your dream offer or career in consulting would be worth to you. Don't just think about your future income, but also about additional values like the alumni network, career opportunities, early promotions, ...
  2. Now think about how much I can increase your chances of scoring that offer or early promotion. Just pick a number you think is realistic (e.g. 50%). 
  3. If you calculate the expected value of my coaching and this value is above the required invest, you should book it right now. Consulting interviews are a one-time-opportunity and you should prepare to rock them on your first chance. I'm looking forward to seeing you in our first coaching session and supporting you with your consulting career!

Let's get started!

Senior Associate
Stern Stewart & Company
2018 - Jetzt
2016 - 2017
Kein Abschluss
Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
0 - 0
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