Are Singapore and Dubai office good fit for LGBT?
Are Singapore and Dubai office good fit for LGBT?

I can say for Dubai - that the offices will have absolutely no problem at all. Companies like BCG carry their international stance on LGBT into every office and the overall company culture. So all good on that front. I'm sure it must be the same for all the other global consults.
However, the city/region are a bigger issue. There is a general stance of criminalizing LGBT people/activity in the Middle-East. There have been recent diplomatic debacles due to pride flags being flown by UK/US embassies and the lot. So from a country/region perspective you may not always feel safe/comfortable.
If you are an LGBT person, and plan to live together with your partner - I recommend to seek other countries that are pro-LGBT to be on the safe side.

Agree with above. MBB firms fully support and show genuine care for LGBT (as well as all other kinds of diversity) across the globe - Having worked in both, I can say that this is definitely true for the 2 office locations you mentioned.
However, from a broader cultural standpoint, please do your due diligence. It's fair to say that certain geographies are less progressive than others.

Hi there,
Offices should all have high standards of Diversity & Inclusion.
However, they can't control the city/country/region you're in so you need to take this into account! Go in wide eyes open if you're opting to live in a conservative region.

Unfortunately, I have no idea!
However, this is a great way to connect with people from the firms, particularly the LGTB ambassadors, and have a conversation with them.

It's really not about the office. LGBT won't have any problems in the office. But they will have a lot of trouble outside the office.