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Breaking into McKinsey

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Meistere McKinsey-Cases & PEI
1.245 USD 989 USD

Wir werden 5 vollständig anpassbare Sitzungen zusammen haben, die in der Regel 80-90 Minuten dauern - keine Begrenzung auf 60 Minuten! Erkundige dich nach Rabatten für eine andere Anzahl von Sitzungen. 

Was erwartet mich bei meinem Coaching?

Bei McKinsey Fuß zu fassen, ist kein leichtes Unterfangen! Ich werde dir jedoch dabei helfen, so wie ich es bei vielen anderen Bewerbern getan habe, die sich ihre Angebote von der Nummer 1 der Unternehmen gesichert haben.

Warum haben es all diese anderen Kandidaten geschafft und warum solltest du mit mir zusammenarbeiten? Weil ich dir helfen werde, unaufhaltsam zu werden!

  • Selbstvertrauen: Ich garantiere dir ein völlig anderes Level von Selbstvertrauen, nachdem du mit mir gearbeitet hast, denn du wirst genau wissen, was du tun musst, wenn die Vorstellungsgespräche kommen!
  • Leistung: Eine auf Selbstvertrauen basierende Einstellung wird es dir ermöglichen, in deinen Cases zu glänzen und in deinen PEI-Interviews zu beeindrucken und all die Fehler zu vermeiden, die Leute mit einer allgemeinen Vorbereitung machen!

Die Wirksamkeit meines Ansatzes lässt sich in 3 Bereiche unterteilen:

  • Maßgeschneidert: Mein gesamter Ansatz basiert auf deiner einzigartigen Situation in Bezug auf deine Ziele, Bedürfnisse, Fähigkeiten usw. Dazu gehört auch, dass ich deine persönliche Stärke herausfinde - etwas, wonach McKinsey suchen wird. Dennoch gibt es einige Dinge, die 90 % aller Bewerber falsch machen, und ich werde dir einige einfache, aber grundlegende und wirkungsvolle Tipps geben, die deine Leistung schnell verändern werden.
  • Insider-Erfahrung: Als ehemaliger McKinsey-Berater, Case Coach und offizieller Interviewer kenne ich den Prozess in- und auswendig und weiß nicht nur genau, wonach andere Interviewer suchen, sondern auch, wie man sich diese Fähigkeiten aneignet. Alle Cases, die ich verwende, sind genau so, wie Sie sie bei McKinsey erwarten würden, und das ist etwas, was du in den unzähligen irreführenden akademischen und kommerziellen Quellen da draußen nicht finden wirst.
  • Effizienz: Ich versuche, so viele Inhalte wie möglich auszulagern, und stelle dir eigenes Material zur Verfügung, das dich bei der Vorbereitung und dem Aufbau von Fähigkeiten für Cases und PEI unterstützt, damit wir uns in unseren Sitzungen auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren können. Darüber hinaus biete ich eine offene Kommunikation über WhatsApp an, wo wir zwischen den Sitzungen Ideen/Fragen/Kommentare austauschen können.

Wenn du also kurz vor einem Vorstellungsgespräch bei McKinsey stehst, erkundige dich nach meinem Programm und meiner Verfügbarkeit!

Über Moritz

Premium + Coaching-Experten
Content Creator
ex-McKinsey EM & Interviewer | 7/8 offer rate for 4+ sessions | 90min sessions with FREE exercises & videos

Ich habe die Erfahrung, in 9 Ländern gelebt zu haben und in meiner mehr als 9-jährigen beruflichen Laufbahn mehrfach vom technischen Experten zum Generalisten auf Senior Manager-Ebene zu wechseln:

Karriere in der Beratung: Ich habe 2,5 Jahre lang bei McKinsey & Company bis zum JEM-Level (Experienced Hire) gearbeitet und war bis August 2021 Teil des lokalen Recruiting-Teams. Ich war offizieller Kandidaten-Coach und Interviewer, einschließlich aller damit verbundenen Schulungen und "geheimen" Einblicke.

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20. November 2022 von Jannis

This is how Moritz helped me to secure an offer with McKinsey:

Before even starting to work with Moritz, he called me on Whatsapp to explain his method and to find out whether and how he could help me. At no point did I feel like Moritz tried to sell me something. This left a very good first impression with me which is why I then decided to purchase the package.

His method:
1. Targeted preparation of the fit part
Moritz quickly pointed out that while most candidates are very well prepared for the case part of the interview, many neglect the at least equally important PEI part. Moritz helped me to choose all of my stories and even read and went through them with me one by one. Particularly helpful was his method of storytelling: conveying your story in a compelling way that bolts your interviewer to their chair. Like this, I could enter the interviews with a calm mind, knowing that my stories would cater to the expectations of the interviewer and there wouldnt be any surprises. Interestingly, the PEI part is infamous for interviewers asking many questions and drilling down. In my case, I could just tell my stories calmy with very few interruptions; thanks to Moritz´ preparation.

2. Targeted preparation of McKinsey style cases
Secondly, of course, we did a few cases together. Besides getting feedback about your performance and things you can improve on there were two even more important aspects that really helped me: First, having done a case with an Ex McK interviewer, you will know exactly what to expect and how McKinsey cases work (a feeling other candidates on preplounge cant get you). Secondly, receiving positive feedback will immensely boost your confidence, another thing that shouldnt be underrated as in the case interview your communication skills and delivery matter just as much.

3. Highly motivating
Moritz always had a very positve attitude and really motivated me to enter the interviews with a good feeling instead of feeling anxious and not knowing what to expect. He was really good at eliminating any doubts I had about the case performance or the PEI part. Entering with that kind of mindset into the interviews actually made them really fun in the end.

4. 24/7 Avaialbility
Lastly, Moritz was always available. Considering that there is a lot more going on in his life than preplounge coaching, I was amazed how even on the weekend he would take his time to answer any questions or dispel any doubts that I had. A huge thank you for that!

As you can see, I can honestly recommend Moritz´ package!

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30. September 2023 von Cornelius

I took coaching sessions with Moritz to practice both casing and PEI sessions in preparation for my McKinsey interviews.

His coaching was extremely helpful in the following ways:

Coaching sessions:
As an ex-interviewer at McKinsey, Moritz has a lot of experience in assessing candidates' case performance. We started by going through the general concept of McKinsey cases and then practiced multiple cases together. His detailed and personalized feedback was invaluable, thanks to his experience as an ex-interviewer and his genuine interest in my success.

PEI sessions:
Moritz reviewed my PEI stories individually, which was extremely helpful in improving both the overall structure and the narrative of each story. As in the case sessions, his experience as a coach and ex-consultant greatly enhanced the quality of my PEI stories.

Moritz is genuinely invested in the success of his mentees, which sets him apart from many other coaches. His sessions are tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. I was impressed by his constant availability, as he was quick to answer any questions between our coaching sessions.

His honest feedback and input not only improved my overall casing/PEI performance but also boosted my confidence for the actual interview day. This was crucial, as my confidence helped me stay calm and focused during my interviews, something that interviewers will value highly. Overall, I highly recommend Moritz´ coaching as a way to increase your chances of success when applying to McKinsey.

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12. Januar 2023 von Abdellah

If you are looking for a way to develop your technical and soft skills to get into Mckinsey, understand the specifics of the process and the expectations of your interviewers: you are in the right place and are one click and one message away from achieving your goal!

Moritz has been an exceptional coach, he seeks to understand what you need and who you are to accompany you by designing a coaching that will suit you and allow you to succeed.
Moritz took the time to explain to me the major differences between Mckinsey and other consulting firms, deconstructed the bad habits I had developed for interviewee-led cases, and taught me a clear and effective method for meeting Mckinsey's expectations.

We started the casing prep with a thorough review of my answers after each question for me to have feedback on elements I recalled vividly which helped me improve my understanding of the firm's expectations, the elements I had to improve, and the - numerous - things I had to stop doing. We then were able to go through full cases in real-case situations. To fine-tune the preparation, we decided on specific types of questions/framework exercises I wanted to go through.

Regarding the PEI preparation, I first started by sharing my stories. His innovative method regarding this exercise - I advise you not to neglect it by the way - allowed me to reorganize my thoughts distinctively and effectively. We then fine-tuned the stories by making them more personal and captivating than the "one note" STAR method all the other candidates usually use.

Last…but certainly not least! Apart from his in-depth knowledge of both PEI and casing, Moritz is a fundamentally kind and human coach who was available throughout my whole process. He was able to answer my questions in moments of doubt and hesitation and boost my confidence until the day I got the answer. I am really happy to have met him and I wish you will too.

Thank you Moritz for helping me get my dream offer. I am so excited to start this new journey!

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