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What are the key benefits of using text campaign services for marketing?

business network marketing tech technology
Neue Antwort am 6. Juni 2024
5 Antworten
Karley fragte am 24. Mai 2024

How do text campaign services provide a more effective marketing strategy compared to traditional methods?

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Beste Antwort
Charlotte Fay
antwortete am 28. Mai 2024
Senior Leader, former McKinsey engagement manager, CEO, passionate to coach you to succeed at leading consulting firms

dear candidate great question,


when asked questions thst we are not sure sbout in csse studies we hsve several ways to approsch this. First, we clarify the meanings eg are text… marketing any of the following…? Secondly if still unsure we can answer more broadly. Eg Without further specifying these services, one coukd group them under marketing tools and use the following perspectives to anslyze the situation ( pick your favorite marketing analysis). thirdly we can also ask or make a suggetion what broader question the client msy want to answer with this quetion. eg summarize the results snd potential conclusions of the case so far and propose another data question that you can handle to solve the case eg instead of  marketing could we look at a breakdown of sales with the same customer snd product segments? these are some ways to handle challenging questions in a case .i wish you a lot of success. best wishes.

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Content Creator
antwortete am 24. Mai 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi Karley

Not sure you're going to get great insights on this from this forum. 

You might want to pop that question into Perplexity or look for an expert (check LinkedIn).


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Content Creator
antwortete am 27. Mai 2024
BCG Dubai Project Leader | Learn to think like a Consultant | Free personalised prep plan | 6+ years in Consulting

Well it wouldn't be effective if you are exploring the benefits on this forum.

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Content Creator
antwortete am 6. Juni 2024
#1 Bain coach | >95% success rate | interviewer for 8+ years | mentor and coach for 7+ years

Hi Karley,

Just to clarify: Was this a question in a case study or are you actually asking users on this forum?



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Content Creator
antwortete am 29. Mai 2024
Ex-McKinsey Associate Partner | +15 years in consulting | +200 McKinsey 1st & 2nd round interviews

Not the right place for this question :)

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Charlotte Fay gab die beste Antwort

Charlotte Fay

Senior Leader, former McKinsey engagement manager, CEO, passionate to coach you to succeed at leading consulting firms
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