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Revolut Case interview

Case Interview
Neue Antwort am 23. Mai 2024
3 Antworten
shubham fragte am 22. Mai 2024

Need some help on Revolut Case interview for the position of Global Strategy and Operations Manager?

What type of cases they discuss?

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antwortete am 22. Mai 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi Shubham,

Funnily enough, I went through the interview myself many years back. 

The person who interviewed me was an ex McK AP. The case he gave was a typical McKinsey one, only that the case prompt was a growth challenge Revolut was having at that time. It was almost like they were picking my brain on an initiative they were about to kick off.

My recommendation would be to:

  1. Reach out to the recruiter and ask them for what you should expect in terms of the interview format
  2. Then, once they schedule the call, research your interviewer. If they are an ex-consultant, I would be very targeted in doing cases that are similar to those given in the firm that they were part of
  3. Practice cases from across the consulting spectrum, but also deep dive in anything related to fintechs. There is one case that I actually developed on this which is published on PrepLounge here: https://www.preplounge.com/en/management-consulting-cases/interviewer-led-mckinsey-style/advanced/greenlife-bank-expands-into-asia-mckinsey-2nd-round-296

Do reach out if you need extra help.


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antwortete am 22. Mai 2024
I make it easy for you to master case interviews! (ex-McKinsey |Stanford University | Imperial College London | ex-P&G)

Hi Shubham,

I hope you're doing well!

Based on my experience interviewing at large fintech's (BNPL/ Digital Banks) for strategy roles , expect a similar case interview style like you which might find in consulting firms.

Keep in mind two nuances:

  1. As the role is in-house strategy, expect there to be a heavier case focus on the digital banking industry, its challenges and trajectory. Make sure you research and have a 360 degree view on the sector before going into interview.  
  2. Depending on the seniority of your interviewer and whether they are ex-consultants, your case might be a lot less structured and more open-ended than a typical consulting case. Keep your mind open about how it could go and practice different case ‘styles’ to get a feel for it ahead of the interviewer. 

Regardless, maintaining structured thinking and communication as at the core of being a good strategist regardless of the type of case you receive and its subject. You should have that ability honed for your interview.

Happy to support you for the interview and answer any more questions. Goodluck!



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antwortete am 23. Mai 2024
#1 Bain coach | >95% success rate | interviewer for 8+ years | mentor and coach for 7+ years

Hi Shubham,

First of all, congratulations on the invitation from Revolut!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:

  • While it's safe to assume that Revolut, as a fintech company, often focuses on case studies that involve launching new products, scaling operations or optimizing processes, I would highly advise you to get in touch with the recruiter as well as current or former employees to inquire about this question. While the recruiter may not be able to give you a detailed answer, they will certainly shed some light on the matter.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



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