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I utilized a referral during the off-season for recruiting without fully understanding the process, a mistake on my part. My application was never rejected or accepted, but I need to withdraw it before reapplying for the upcoming cycle. I still maintain a positive relationship with the person who provided the referral, and I am currently attending a target school, so I am not overly worried about my resume being screened out.

Should I withdraw my application now and then, closer to the application deadline, approach my connection again for a referral. This individual has already offered to conduct a mock interview with me, so if I perform well, I assume it would be appropriate to ask for another referral. Additionally, I'm curious about how the process of receiving multiple referrals works.

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am 31. Mai 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there, 

Since this is a rather procedural issue, I'd recommend you problem-solve it directly with the recruiter. This will give you an opportunity to meet them already. I'm sure they will help you figure out whichever is the easiest solution. In practice, all options work, especially if your referee is willing to re-send the referral. 

And great work in finding somebody who is willing to give you a referral and also a case. That's amazing!


am 31. Mai 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

1) Should I withdraw my application now and then, closer to the application deadline, approach my connection again for a referral. 

If I understood correctly you are not interested anymore in the previous application. In this case it is fine to withdraw the previous one. You can then reach out to your connection to explain you changed your plans and “check what they would recommend” for the new application.

2) Additionally, I'm curious about how the process of receiving multiple referrals works.

Normally you can have just one official referral but others can “mention” you to HR for an informal one.

You can find more on referrals below:

▶ How to Get an MBB Invitation

▶ The Exact Steps to Get a Referral

Good luck!


am 1. Juni 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

I like and agree with this plan. Withdraw the application ASAP, have this mock case (when you are in a good state already) and explain the situation.

Good luck!

am 31. Mai 2023


I 100% agree with your plan. I would do the mock interview and at the end of the session explain what happened and ask without fear if the person is eager to re-submit the referral in the system.

Normally, the referral is submitted by one consultant working at the target company. However, what could happen sometimes is asking additional people (I'd say max 1-2) to “knock on the door” of HR to present your case and check on the application status.

am 31. Mai 2023
Roland Berger|Project Manager and Recruiter|7+ years of consulting experience in USA and Europe

Hi there,

definitely do the mock interview and make sure you prepare for it like it was a real interview. The person referring you will want to make sure that it won't reflect poorly on them so they need to feel comfortable enough that you have a fighting chance.

I would not try to approach multiple people at the same company for referrals at the same time. You need a clear “primary” referrer. If you have multiple options, go with the one who has the highest seniority and the longest tenure with the firm.

Good luck

am 31. Mai 2023
Top-Ranked Coach on PrepLounge for 3 years| 6+ years of coaching


I think your plan sounds good! If you are no longer interested in the position you originally applied for, you can withdraw your application. Based on what you write here, it seems like your odds for getting another referral from your contact are very high, so I would definitely do the mock interview and ask them for a referral. 

Usually the portal allows for 1 referral per candidate, but since you will be applying for a new job posting, I don't think that your previous referral will be retained in the system, so it's worth getting a new one in any case. If you're asking because there are several people you have in mind who you could ask for a referral, the general advice is to get one from whoever is more senior. Remember that the referral should be submitted prior to your application, however. Once the referral goes through, you should receive an email with a bespoke link to apply.

am 31. Mai 2023
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

If you are not interested in interviewing right away then I guess yes, your plan makes sense. Otherwise, I would keep the application open and only withdraw closer to the new submission date.

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