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Impact Consulting


Have you guys heard of the online platform Impact Consulting? If so, do you believe that it could be good experience to have on a resume if I am able to participate in a handful of projects there?

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am 1. Mai 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Yes! It's a great platform and especially helpful if you don't have any consulting experience or have limited consulting experience.

It's one of many great “free” consulting experience programs.

am 1. Mai 2023
Top-Ranked Coach on PrepLounge for 3 years| 6+ years of coaching


I've had candidates have good experiences with Impact Consulting! Definitely a good experience to have on your resume if you are able to do it.

am 1. Mai 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there, 

I know a couple of candidates that were part of it and they spoke fondly of their experience there. 

However, like with anything, if you're investing your time in this, think not only of what you're gaining, but also of the opportunity cost. What else would you be doing with your time? What are you giving up in order to do this? 


Anonym B
am 27. März 2024
@spacebar clicker Recruiting for a top consulting firm is difficult since, in most cases, you will be competing with candidates that have excellent qualifications and experience. You may have solid job experience and a solid résumé in general, but with the job market the way it is right now
am 26. Juli 2023

@eggy car Precise online platform Impact Consulting! If you don't have any experience, don't be confident about your resume. You refer to it as a great and exceptionally useful background.

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