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Paper Print

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A printing company is planning to take over another printing company with similar technology and printing machines. The candidate is supposed to evaluate the acquisition by answering a line of questions that are presented in the “suggested approach” section.

Sample Structure

I. Analysis – Question 1: What are the benefits in concentration of production? What related risks have to be taken into consideration?

The two companies „Tyrolia Print“ and „Paper Print“ have one production site each and are specialized on rotogravure printing technology (a technology for printing large batches). Overlap of customers is approximately 75%, i.e. 3 out of 4 customers of one company are also customers of the other company. All production machines of both companies are similar and can replace each other. Due to the harsh competitive situation in the industry, excess capacity and small profit margins, Paper Print plans to take over Tyrolia Print. The Tyrolia Print production site would be shut down after the merger and integrated into the Paper Print site.

I. Analysis – Question 2: Which one time earnings and expenditures occur in closing a production site?

II. Calculation – Question 3: Can Paper Print fully integrate the entire Tyrolia Print production in its factory?

II. Calculation – Question 4: How much more or less expensive will the integrated production be?

III. Discussion – Question 5: Why did costs decrease, although hourly rates are higher? Will any other cost reductions occur? What would you recommend concerning the merger?

Weitere Fragen

Suppose Tyrolia Print was already bought. What would be the most important steps in post-merger integration?

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