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MBB | Ex-Mckinsey | MSc London School of Economics & Political Science | Free 15-min consultation call
Case interview
PEI Interview
Real Cases
Deutsch, Englisch
Deutschland (UTC +1)
149 USD / h
MBB | Ex-Mckinsey | MSc London School of Economics & Political Science | Free 15-min consultation call
Case interview
PEI Interview
Real Cases
149 USD / h
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Über Friederike

I am a former McKinsey consultant with 3 years of experience in the Berlin office working with clients from all over Europe. I am currently switching to Venture Capital. I received offers from all three MBB consultancies and have actively been involved in McKinsey's recruiting efforts. 

No matter who you are or where you're from, I believe that the only thing standing between you and your dream job is some hard work. I'm here to assist you in navigating this journey efficiently and effectively.

My feedback approach is direct and in line with McKinsey's philosophy of strength-based development.

Are you seeking a case coach to help you secure an offer? Look no further. Text me or schedule a free introductory call to explore how I can assist you in achieving success. Having recently transitioned from consulting, I bring significant experience. Through my own extensive interview preparation, and my consulting network, I have collected extensive prep materials. Furthermore, I have been actively involved in McKinsey's recruiting efforts. I am perfectly positioned to provide the support you need. :)

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Senior Associate / JEM
McKinsey & Company
2021 - 2024
Porsche Consulting
2019 - 2019
London School of Economics and Political Science
2020 - 2021
Accounting & Finance
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