I am available via Skype or Face2face in Israel.
PM me please to set a time. We can practice cases from a variety of books I have.
I am available via Skype or Face2face in Israel.
PM me please to set a time. We can practice cases from a variety of books I have.
Hi, here you go and good luck
Case in Point
Case Interview Secrets - Victor Cheng
Case Book-McCombs
Columbia 2006
David Ohrvall - Crack The Case
Did you know that Palestine is the name given to the land of Judea(jew land) by the Occupying Greeks and their emperor Hordus for the sake of dismantaling the connection of the Hebrew people to their occupied land? :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_name_%22Palestine%22
You can also read more on the "official" site of the Egyptian/Jordanian/Syrian Arabs that call themselves "Palestinianas" since 1970 when they invented themselves as a "genuine" people in order to deminish the right of the Jewish people to their promised land from about 2,000 years BC : http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_early_palestine_name_origin.php