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Lerne die Basics für das Case-Interview, übe mit 200+ Cases und profitiere von umfangreichen Testmaterialien und interaktiven Self-Study-Tools.
Case Interview Examples - WatchMyCase
WatchMyCase 1 - Nutripremium
WatchMyCase 2 - Spirits Distribution
WatchMyCase 3 - Toyota
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< 100 Bewertungen

WatchMyCase gives you the opportunity to watch three whole case interviews that have been recorded on PrepLounge - including helpful remarks and suggestions of one of our coaches.

Watch these videos if you want to

  • Get a feeling for what a case interview looks like
  • Learn from other candidates' mistakes and achievements during their cases
  • Compare your own performance with other candidates

Thanks to the candidates who took part in the recordings!

Enjoy our WatchMyCase videos and get started with your own case practice today! Go to our Meeting Board

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