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am 17. Dez. 2024

What do you do if you only have half the time for a project?

How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview?

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am 16. Jan. 2025

Break the project into key parts and tackle the most impactful ones first

am 13. Feb. 2025

Freak out ;)

But seriously though having the time cut in half can put a lot of stress on the members of the project. To ensure we still succeed I'd first make sure we all know our key objectives and the most impactful tasks so that we delivery at least the bare minimum. Any non-essential tasks would need to be cut to use our resources as efficiently as possible. 

To quote one of my favorite TV shows (SWAT): "Stay liquid". It basically means to stay flexible and adapt to whatever my come your way.

Anonym A
am 6. Jan. 2025

I would talk to my manager, suggest a prioritization and make sure we are aligned on my workload. 

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