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Wie viel Interaktion habt ihr mit den Mitarbeitern der Konzerne, mit denen ihr zusammenarbeitet?

Neue Antwort am 7. März 2024
2 Antworten
Anonym A fragte am 5. März 2024

Hallo zusammen,

ich hätte eine Frage an die Inhouse-Beratungen bezüglich der Zusammenarbeit mit den internen Konzernen. Mich interessiert, wie intensiv der Austausch und die Interaktion mit den Non-Consultants ist. Wie kann ich mir das vorstellen, wie oft steht ihr in Kontakt? Gibt es hier einen allgemeinen Wert (z.B. ~3 Tage in der Woche beim Kunden)? 

Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Insights!

Beste Grüße

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Beste Antwort
Nancy bearbeitete eine Antwort am 5. März 2024
Senior Consultant

Hi there,

Thank you so much for your question. Since I have to translate it to English to understand it, so let me rephrase your question here: you are asking how often do we interact with our clients, i.e. the business/line functions in the group?

In general, I don't think this is a clear guideline on how much interaction you must have with your clients. Our clients and their team are also our colleagues, eventually, we are working together to make sure that DHL Group delivers the best result. Therefore, based on the requirements of the project and the level of details I need to dig into for my projects, I might have touchpoint every day with my client or once per week with my client - It really depends on their availability and your project needs.

Normally we are very close to the business/line functions in the group as they also don't purely treat as “the consultants”. We will have follow-ups regularly with them after our projects to understand the status of our project deliverables.


Hope this helps!





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Paulina antwortete am 7. März 2024
Senior Consultant


As is often the case in consulting, ‘it depends.’

The level of interaction varies depending on the project requirements. On my current project, I engage with clients almost daily, often meeting in person when we are in the office (typically 2 days per week). Additionally, I occasionally travel to our local companies. In contrast, on my previous project, interactions were less frequent – 1-2 times per week.

Our clients are also our colleagues. Together, we decide on the most suitable working mode for the specific needs of each project.



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