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Why consulting?

Neue Antwort am 13. März 2024
2 Antworten
Anonym A fragte am 4. März 2024

How did you come up with the decision to start a career in consulting? Have you considered other options as well? 

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Zoe bearbeitete eine Antwort am 5. März 2024
Senior Consultant

Hi there,

Interesting question!

To be honest, consulting wasn't something I had planned for myself, especially since my STEM background isn't the "typical" business degree route.

During my studies I tried consulting in the form of internships and it just clicked for me. There's something about diving into real-world problems and coming up with creative solutions that just resonated. It's solving puzzles, but with real-life implications.

What I enjoy most about ECON now is the constant variety. Every day brings a new challenge, and seeing the impact of your work within the Group is very rewarding.

In addition, working with an impressive group of ECONs from different backgrounds brings fresh perspectives and keeps me growing.

Of course, I've considered other career paths, but consulting has this unique mix of challenge, impact and teamwork that I haven't found elsewhere.




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Frederica antwortete am 13. März 2024

Hi there!

I was drawn to consulting because of the steep learning curve it offers, the exposure to diverse industries and challenges, and the opportunity to work with talented professionals. While I did consider other options, consulting seemed like the best fit for my skills and career aspirations.

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