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Diese Frage ist schreibgeschützt, da sie mit folgender Frage zusammengefügt wurde: Final Round Interview.

What are MBB looking for in 2nd rounds? Best strategy to tackle?

2ndround Case Interview MBB
Letzte Aktivität am 26. Juli 2017
1 Antwort
2,7 T. Views
Anonym A fragte am 25. Juli 2017

Experienced an MBB 2nd round but was not sure what they are looking for. There was not much facial expression or other in-the-moment non-verbal feedback as in the 1st round; they gave out a lot more information (relevant or irrelevant) and it was not as formated as the 1st round. I'm curious what people's take on 2nd round strategy.


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Anonym antwortete am 26. Juli 2017

If you've cleared R1, MBB (and others) know that:

1. You can do the job at that level just fine.

2. You are smart, confident, analytical.

What they DON'T know yet (and will focus on in R2):

1. Will you be able to work effectively with a partner / sr. member. Also, cultural fit.

2. Are you consistent - was R1 success a fluke/good day?

3. Did the mistakes you make in R1 just a fluke/bad day?

So, R2 is just like R1 with some targeted focus areas based on how your R1 went. If they felt you were far too comfortable in R1, they might make R2 a bit more stuffy. In R1, everyone is rooting for you to succeed, but in R2 things do tend to get a bit more serious sometimes as you start meeting more Sr folks.
