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Preparing for MBB Hiring Rounds

Hi Everyone,

I am going to be joining the MiM program at Imperial from September and I want to secure a graduate job in consulting, particularly MBB. 

The hiring round starts at the same time as the master's program so I may not have full management or consulting application experience at the time of applying. 

I have just completed my undegrad and have a summer free. I am going for a summer school program at HEC Paris and also an internship in my home country. 

I want to ask, how can I use the next 2-3 months to best prepare for the hiring rounds and maximise my chances of success?

I have an engineering degree from Uni Of Sheffield in the UK, tier 2 target for BCG, and a first class grade. I have 13 months of work experience as a data science intern at a big pharmaceutical company. So not too much business knowledge and experience..


What can i do over the summer?


- so far I am only aware of case preparation? I am starting off with getting the CaseCoach subscription and of course reading through Case In Point. I then plan to test myself in interview settings. I am curios, how does someone from a non-business background learn the concepts that are applied in the cases? 

- what else do i need to prepare for and become good at?

Thank you in advance!

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am 9. Juni 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

Q: How can I use the next 2-3 months to best prepare for the hiring rounds and maximise my chances of success?

It seems you are already doing a summer program and an internship, so I am not sure how much time you might have for additional work/school/extracurriculars. Probably the most important thing at this stage would be to secure a referral when you are close to the application deadline.

As general tips, I would recommend the following assuming you are starting from zero. You have probably already planned for some of them, but it might be worthwhile to review:

  1. Identify the companies interesting to you. Create a DB with all the companies you want to target so that you can look for a referral later for them (see point #7).
  2. Define a calendar for your preparation. Identify how many hours you have before your expected interview and allocate the time slots for preparation in your calendar, working on the points below. Many candidates need 100+ hours to be ready before a consulting interview starting from zero so you can keep that as a benchmark.
  3. Start reading good MBA Consulting Casebooks – you can find several for free online (INSEAD is a good one to start). Read the cases and try to apply your structure to solve them. Whenever you see there is something missing, upgrade your structure with the new insights. Try to read a new case per day – in this way you will absorb better the information with constant learning.
  4. After the first 5-10 cases in books/casebooks and basic theory, start to practice live. PrepLounge can be helpful to connect with other candidates for that. There is a relevant part of the interview score that is based on your communication, which you cannot practice at all if you read cases only.
  5. Keep track of your mistakes and see which ones you are repeating. This is extremely important, as otherwise you may do a ton of cases without fixing the real issues. If you find common mistakes, try to identify the reason for them (feedback from experienced partners would be particularly useful for this). Be sure to focus on both the behavioral part and the case part during the mocks. The case part should also cover market sizing, math and graph analysis.
  6. Before your application, be sure to review your CV and Cover, so that they are in the required format for a strategy role.
  7. At least 3 weeks before the application deadline, start networking to find referrals. You can find some tips here.
  8. Before the interviews, be sure to prepare your questions for the interviewer  – a great way to show you prepared in advance and to connect with the interviewer for a good final impression. Ideally, try to find out who they are and study their profile to have good questions to ask.

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If you have to do tests as well, you can find some material to prepare below. Full disclosure – I am the author ;)

▶ BCG Online Case Software Simulation

▶ McKinsey Solve Game Video Simulation

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If you want to spend a few hours only instead of 100+ and cover everything mentioned above, I developed a program precisely for that. 

I can also share with you real questions for your target office (I have a db with 1.500+ questions asked in 60+ offices you won't find anywhere else - you can check on my profile if I cover your particular office).

You can check the program at the following link to learn more:

▶ GYM Program

If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.



Anonym A
am 9. Juni 2023
Hi Francesco, Thank you for this detailed answer! I will be applying for graduate opportunities in the Uk so from what I have read, there are no referrals for early career hires?
am 10. Juni 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching
Hi there, even in case you cannot have an official referral, I would still network as you might get an “unofficial” one (consultant talking about you with HR). Good luck!
Anonym A
am 25. Juni 2023
Thanks Francesco, do you have links to the best casebooks like the INSEAD one you mentioned?
am 25. Juni 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching
Hi there, you should be able to find them just by googling, if not please feel free to PM me and I can help from there
am 9. Juni 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there,

It's great to see that you are so purposeful about all this. 

The plan sounds great, but I would suggest a more daring, 80/20 approach that will get you better results, faster.

Basically, jump in the water so you can learn how to swim. Start practicing cases. Read a few, then do a few on your own, then try doing some with friends / colleagues / or peers here on the platform. Once you have a basic grasp, then get an expert assessment. 

The expert assessment will help you understand where you are (strengths and weaknesses), where you need to get (target state), and how to get there (developing a plan for you to close the gap). Once you have this, you can either continue on your own or with a coach, but at least now you have clarity over what it is that you need to work on rather than boiling the ocean (which is what most candidates end up doing and burn out in the process).

Use also the following guide I wrote in terms of how to best approach the process:



am 9. Juni 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Congrats on the degree! You're thinking about this exactly right.

There are a ton of pro bono/experiential consulting programs out there. Impact Consulting is one of them. Sign up! Get real-world consulting experience. You could get 2-4 projects under your belt over the next 2-3 months.

I personally would not do Case Coach and I definitely would not do Case in Point. The materials are genuinely very basic. You need to get out there and case with people as well as refine your skills (daily reading, industry deep dives, math, charts/exhibits, etc.)

Here's some reading to help:


Anonym A
am 9. Juni 2023
Hi Ian, Thank you for your answer. I am very interested in the Impact consulting opportunities that you mentioned. How can I take one up? I have 0 clue about this
am 10. Juni 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate
Simple go to their website and apply. Each place will be different but they'll tell you what to do! In most instances you'll want to have a strong resume and strong reasons for why you want to join them (they'll likely ask some free-form questions)
am 9. Juni 2023
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer

Hi there,

In addition to what some of the other coaches have shared, I'll add what I think are the top 3 things I think you should try and do:

  1. Practice with a partner
    • Self-practice and reading cases by yourself have roles to play in your overall prep, but doing a case ‘live’ in front of someone is very different
  2. Get quality feedback
    • Part of the process of improving involves understanding where you went wrong and how to improve it
    • It's often helpful to get someone to point out your mistakes, as everyone has blind spots
    • Most important is that you are able to get quality feedback - this means feedback that tells you where you went wrong, why it is wrong and how to improve it
  3. Start your fit/behavioural prep early
    • Many don't do this early because they think that fit/behavioural is ‘easier’ and ‘faster’ to prepare
    • It takes time to really find authentic stories from your past experiences and then craft and shape them up to be great, impactful stories
    • Suggest to start on this early (and like the case, get feedback on it)
  4. As a non-traditional background candidate myself (I studied History), I found the following to help me ramp up on business concepts
    • Getting familiar through basic business theory - googleable but through reputable websites
    • Having someone explain concepts to me (i reached out to my friends who had more business experience)
    • Being more reflective and forming analogies on what I already knew through my life experience also made me internalize these concepts better

All the best!

Anonym A
am 25. Juni 2023
Thank you Benjamin! For point #4, do you have any basic topic outlines that I must cover? Do you also have any suggestions on websites/courses that I can refer to?
am 10. Juni 2023
Former BCG Consultant | Startup Founder | Holistic approach to a successful application - cases & beyond | 10% discount


Great initiative! Here are some suggestions on how you can use the next 2-3 months to prepare for the hiring rounds and maximize your chances of success:

  • Case interview preparation: Case interviews are a crucial part of the consulting recruitment process. Starting here at PrepLounge and potentially also leveraging a coach to guide you through the process is a great idea. Practice solving cases and familiarize yourself with different case types. Work on developing strong problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills. Seek feedback from experienced people and coaches or join case interview practice groups to enhance your performance.
  • Networking: Building a strong network in the consulting industry can be valuable for securing interviews and gaining insights. Reach out to alumni, professionals, and recruiters. Request informational interviews to learn more about their experiences and seek advice on breaking into consulting. Attend career fairs and networking events to expand your connections.
  • Attend workshops and seminars: Many universities, consulting firms, and professional organizations offer workshops and seminars on consulting-related topics. Look for opportunities to attend these events, which can provide you with valuable insights, case-solving techniques, and networking opportunities.
  • Develop transferable skills: Consulting firms value a wide range of skills beyond business knowledge. Focus on developing skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Engage in extracurricular activities, take up leadership roles, and participate in group projects to demonstrate your abilities in these areas.
  • Stay updated with industry news: Keep yourself informed about current events, industry trends, and relevant business news. Follow consulting firms, business publications, and industry-specific websites to stay up to date. Being knowledgeable about recent developments will demonstrate your interest and commitment to the consulting field during interviews.
  • Leverage your internship: Make the most of your summer internship by actively seeking opportunities to apply business concepts and develop a business mindset. Take on projects that involve data analysis, strategy development, or process improvement. Seek exposure to cross-functional teams and engage with colleagues who have consulting experience.

It is important to balance your preparation with self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Take breaks, manage your time effectively, and stay focused on your goals. Good luck with your preparation and reach out if you like some support!


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