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Meeting with no show partner counts in amount of meetings?

No case partner
Neue Antwort am 30. Apr. 2024
3 Antworten
Anonym A fragte am 24. Apr. 2024

I had a no show on my second meeting on preplounge and although we had no call the meeting countet into the amount of meetings you have for free. 
Is it supposed to work like that or is there a possibility that I can have another free meting without having to pay yet?
Thank you in advance!

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Content Creator
antwortete am 25. Apr. 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Worth asking PrepLounge admin on this. 

It shouldn't count if you actually didn't benefit from the meeting. 

This is a common problem that candidates have. Not everybody is reliable with showing up.

Once you find 1-3 peers that you get value from, then stick with them in your prep journey.


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Content Creator
antwortete am 25. Apr. 2024
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing, and coaching

Hi there,

First of all, I am sorry to hear about your negative experience with the no-show at your scheduled meeting!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:

  • I would advise you to report this no-show to the very kind and supportive PrepLounge team. Usually, platforms have mechanisms to not count such incidents against your quota of free meetings, especially when it's not your fault.



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Content Creator
antwortete am 30. Apr. 2024
Ex-McKinsey Associate Partner | +15 years in consulting | +200 McKinsey 1st & 2nd round interviews

Ask PrepLounge. It shouldn't count.



Check out my latest case based on a real MBB interview: Sierra Springs

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