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MBB Southeast Asia or Tier 2 US consulting

Australia level London MBB Middle East South east asia Summer Internship tier1 tier2
Neue Antwort am 11. Okt. 2023
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Anonym D fragte am 15. Jan. 2023


I'm an international from Southeast Asia, first year MBA from a non-target US school (top 50). After the MBA I would like to do strategy in tech like FAANG or MBB/top boutique consulting in the US. Unfortunately due to the current tech situation, securing tech internship is not possible, so I shift focus to consulting.

Recently, I secure summer internship offers from MBB southeast asia and some tier 2 consulting in the US. Given my goal and background, which offer do you think I should take? Which offer would grant me a better chance? Will foreign MBB offices get any weight in the eyes of US firms? 

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Originally answered question:

MBB Consultant vs. Tier 2 EM

bearbeitete eine Antwort am 22. März 2022
BCG 1st & Final Round interviewer | Personalized prep with >95% success rate | 7yrs coaching | #1 for Experienced Hires

Hi there,

Congrats also from my end! Indeed a nice problem to have!

Like the other coaches, I'd also argue going with the MBB offer might be a better choice

  1. Brand: MBB brand is just significantly stronger and all these firms have a proven track record as PE exit feeder
  2. Timing: Think about timing of the planned exit - as a senior manager / principal in a few years, the exit into PE may prove more difficult than if you jump as a senior consultant / junior EM, based on the way many PE firms hire
  3. Ramp up: This is a factor that many people underestimate - if you don't have any prior consulting experience, starting directly as EM can be very very challenging, to say the least (e.g. at BCG, that category shows the highest churn rate on EM / Principal level). Consulting firms have high expectations and limited patience, so it would be advisable for most people to spend a bit of time honing core consulting skills, before assuming EM responsibility, where you will be fully exposed from the start.

Hope this helps!




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Originally answered question:

MBB Consultant vs. Tier 2 EM

Content Creator
antwortete am 22. März 2022
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


First of all, congratulations are in order! Well done!

Both are really good options, and the good news is that here you cannot really make a bad choice. 

Overall, I would have it pretty clear and would go for MBB, since what I have seen with time, is that brand is the most important thing. What you will see in some time from now was I was in McK vs. I was in OW, despite the roles. 

This said, given that you want to exit to PE, this can complicate things a bit… since OW can gain you good connections there too. I would try to see which type of network and connections both companies give you IN THE REGION/AREA of you interest, to see if this changes the pic. 

Hope it helps!



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Content Creator
antwortete am 16. Jan. 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there, 

In terms of brand, I'd go for the MBB offer. 

Geography doesn't have that much bearing in terms of how employers see your experience. Knowing that you were in MBB is enough, especially since the firms are global and your range of skills isn't dependent on your office location. 

The question you need to figure out in the meantime, however, is if you do want to live in SE Asia in the meantime. 

Regardless, they're both great options and congrats on having them in the first place!



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Content Creator
antwortete am 16. Jan. 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

Congratulations on the offers! In terms of your questions:

Q: After the MBA I would like to do strategy in tech like FAANG or MBB/top boutique consulting in the US. Recently, I secure summer internship offers from MBB southeast asia and some tier 2 consulting in the US. Given my goal and background, which offer do you think I should take?

You mentioned that your goal includes top boutiques in the US, so if you consider the Tier 2 that provided the offers good enough, that should already meet your goal.

If instead your goal is to reach MBB, you have two possible paths:

  1. You join MBB in SEA, then try to transfer to the US internally
  2. You join the Tier 2 in the US and then apply to MBB in a few years

If you are fine spending a few years in SEA and see evidence that a US transfer is possible, I would personally go for option #1 as getting the MBB brand name is very useful. If you do want to move immediately to the US, I guess you will have to take #2.

In terms of the likelihood of the transfer with #1, you should be able to see if that happened in the past from LinkedIn for your relevant office.



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Content Creator
bearbeitete eine Antwort am 15. Jan. 2023
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing, and coaching

Hi there,

I think this is an interesting question that may be relevant for many people. I would be happy to share my thoughts on it:

  • Given your goal of working in strategy in tech with FAANG or top consulting firms in the US after your MBA, I would recommend taking the internship with a tier 2 consulting firm in the US. While interning at MBB in Southeast Asia can be a valuable experience, it may not be as directly relevant to your ultimate goal of working in the US tech industry.
  • Additionally, while some US firms may recognize the prestige of working at MBB abroad, it is not guaranteed to hold as much weight as an internship at a US-based office.
  • Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your own personal and professional goals, and you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of each opportunity before making a decision.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to address your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.




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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Australia vs. MBB South East Asia

Content Creator
antwortete am 2. Juni 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

I'm based in Australia, worked for BCG Australia, and know MBB intimately down here, so let me help :)

1) Pay/perks - generally higher in Australia

2) Worklife balance - much more emphasized in Australia. They take weekends seriously (we rarely worked weekends), they strive to meet personal KPIs during the week (i.e. teams hold you accountable to meeting 1-2 personal life needs each week), they're conscious of burnout (at BCG for example you get 2 free "ME" days each year), etc.

3) Culture - More flat and "conversational" in Australia

4) Projects/Industry - Australian work involves Mining, Oil & Gas, Energy, Public Sector/Government, Telecomms, Financial Institutions, Consumer Products. They're also quite strong in Technology advantage (Platinion/GAMMA)

SE Asia would have a lot of finance, oil & gas, mining, manufacturing.

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Content Creator
antwortete am 16. Jan. 2023
1300 5-star reviews across platforms | 500+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

Given the chance to go MBB vs. tier-2, I would always choose MBB, regardless of the geographic aspect of both offers. 


  • MBB is the biggest door opener
  • Type of work, colleagues, development opportunities, prestige, exit opps
  • Once you are in one of the firms, you can always change offices (not always easy, but possible)



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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Firm (S&/EYP) London vs MBB London

Content Creator
antwortete am 20. Nov. 2022
Ex McKinsey EM & interviewer (5 yrs) USA & UK| Coached / interviewed 300 +|Free 15 min intro| Stanford MBA|Non-trad

In terms of getting into MBB London:

  • It is likely easier to move from MBB ME to MBB London; than it is to move from a Tier 2 firm to MBB London. The reason for this is that you would need to get into MBB all over again moving from Tier 2 - and it's always easier when you get a foot in the door
  • That being said, it will likely take at least a year to be able to transfer from the ME to London - and it's not a given that you're able to transfer. To transfer you need to find a couple of sponsors in the London office who will vouch for you; the ME office needs to let you go and the London office needs to have space for you
  • Also, the WL balance in the London office isn't going to be substantially different to that of MBB in the ME. I'm also not sure that the tier 2 firms have substantially better lifestyle.

If you decide that you want to prioritise being in London over moving to the ME, you can call the ME office and say that something personal has come up and you're not able to move to the ME, but you still want to be with the firm. Sometimes they're able to transfer your offer before you start. To make this work you'll also need to know the people in the London office, and so you need to reach out to them. I don't recommend doing this though unless you're happy to give up the ME offer as you don't want to burn bridges. 

Remember, life is much more than just your job. It's entirely appropriate to decide that you don't want to move. 

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Anonym C am 21. Nov. 2022

When you say needing to know someone from the MBB London office, would this need to be someone higher up eg partner?

Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Australia vs. MBB South East Asia

Content Creator
bearbeitete eine Antwort am 2. Juni 2020
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience


Working for MBB anywhere sets you up with a brand name to leverage globally. Also remember getting in to any MBB office is extremely difficult, just because it is in Vietnam doesn't mean it will be easier to get into


Lots of fun projects with interesting problems to solve

Great team mates and client exposure

MBB brand


Long hours

Some cultural/language requirements

Limited industries served


There will definitely be a difference in culture and project work vs Australia - the industries are quite different, people and culture are different and lifestyle is quite a bit worse. But MBB as a whole works in the same way across the board


Transfer - assuming you are from Australia or have very strong ties to the region, if you have a strong performance record you can transfer after a minimum of 2 years




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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Firm (S&/EYP) London vs MBB London

bearbeitete eine Antwort am 20. Nov. 2022
London strategy consulting | Ex-Arthur D. Little |Co-lead London office recruitment team for 3+ years

First of all, congrats for your offers! Your position is a very good place to be.

Needless to say that no one here can make the decision for you, however I think what you choose will depend on what you want and value more.

Do you want a change in lifestyle, live somewhere else and experience a new culture? This for me would be the key question, together with whether I plan to do an MBA or not. As the latter will also influence where you will end up living at some point. Everything else is possible to sort afterwards. Let me explain, I have very close friends that have started their careers in Dubai in Tier 2, moved to MBB in Dubai, pursued a sponsored MBA in the US and now pursuing an internship there. I have other friends which instead started off in MBB in Dubai and decided to come back after 2 years in London, they either decided to transfer office or pursue industry after deciding consulting wasn’t for them.

Finally, if you want to and have the skills, you can always move to MBB 1,2, 3 years in the job either from Tier 2 but also Tier 3, for example I have few friends that got into MBB London after 1-2 year experience in boutique firms. 

In summary, I would consider your partner and current friends, your desire to experience new things and pursue an MBA and the implications that these choices could have on your life in the next 2-3 years. After having clarified those, your career choices should just support your objective in my opinion and not the other way around. 

Just a note on ME vs. London, I think the former involves more frequent travel particular in Saudi and other close markets and several key projects are inevitably public sector focused (or sponsored), working hours I would say are comparable, although ME I believe has more top-down / hierarchical work environment than that in London based on my project experience there.

Hope it helps!


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Originally answered question:

MBB Consultant vs. Tier 2 EM

Content Creator
antwortete am 22. März 2022
10+yrs recruiting & BCG Project leader

Hi there, 

congrats! if you are thinking in exit opportunities, MBB is probably a better choice because:

1. MBB is a diamond name on your CV

2. Steep learning curve (problem solving, dealing with C levels, commercial excellence etc.)

3. Amazing networking access including becoming alumni with its advantages

4. MBB can actually secure you a job

Good luck!


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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Australia vs. MBB South East Asia

Content Creator
antwortete am 2. Juni 2020
Bain Consultant | Interviewer for 3 years at Bain |Passionate about coaching |I will make you a case interview Rockstar


1. Pros / cons

- Pros will be working in an emerging market with lots of growth and interesting projects. Growth will translate into more career opportunities than slower-growing markets.

- Cons will be lower pay (ex Singapore) than in Australia and likely longer working hours than tier 2 in Australia

2. Differences in work culture, project work

- In addition to the obvious cultural differences, I think you can expect more working hours and less pushback from partners to clients as they are still building the client base and trying to "impress clients" with the good work they can deliver for the client base.

3. Ability to transfer back

- If you perform well, you will always have a good opportunity to go back to Australia. Good consultants will always be in demand especially as you rise the ranks of the firm and you have a proven track record.


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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Australia vs. MBB South East Asia

Anonym antwortete am 1. Juni 2020

Hi there,

Some thoughts on your questions:

(1) Pros: MBB give you more options later compared to tier 2. Plus, SEA is a booming place, with a lot more exit opportunities esp in the tech space.

Cons: In general SEA office work longer hours compared to Australia. Also you might travel more. So physically might be more tiring.

(2) There would be some culture difference btw SEA and Australia. E.g. in SEA the senior leaders (partners, principals) are more accommodating to clients, i.e. less push back. Within SEA countries the project work and firm culture won't be too different.

(3) If you are a top performer, it is easy to transfer back. I had a few ex-colleagues who moved to Australia after a few years. In some industries esp mining, it is quite common to have joint team from both SEA and Australia, and that'd be an easy way to build connection with Australia office and partners.

Hope it helps,


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Originally answered question:

MBB Consultant vs. Tier 2 EM

Content Creator
antwortete am 24. März 2022
ex-McKinsey EM & Interviewer | 7/8 offer rate for 4+ sessions | 90min sessions with FREE exercises & videos

Hi there,

Very simple: MBB all the way!

Some good answers pointing out some good reasons already. I will just add one thing - career progression is very fast and as an MBA hire you will be advancing to an EM role between 1-2 years.

When that happens, you can either do a couple of projects and exit with the EM title (very common). or you stick around and commit for the long haul. 

However, if exiting after a short stint is your game plan, nothing beats an MBB EM title on the job market!

Hope this helps a bit! Best of luck!

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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Firm (S&/EYP) London vs MBB London

Content Creator
antwortete am 21. Nov. 2022
Limited Availability | BCG Expert | Middle East Expert | 100+ Mocks Delivered | IESE & NYU MBA | Ex-KPMG Dxb Consultant


Congratulations on the offers! Here are my thoughts:

1- Work-life balance: London is SLIGHTLY better than Dubai, not significantly. This again varies a lot per firm. Tier 1 WLB in Dubai is much better than Tier 2 WLB in Dubai.

2- Transfers: I would say it takes a minimum of 18-24 months to initiate a transfer from the Middle East. There is a huge demand for work in ME and on the contrary there is a huge supply of talent in London, thus transfers to London will not be as smooth as you think.

I have some specific insights per firm that I can offer - message me personally if you want to know more!

All the best!


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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Firm (S&/EYP) London vs MBB London

Anonym antwortete am 20. Nov. 2022

Hi congrats. It’s a good dilemma to have. Have you talked to the recruiting teams at MBB to potentially consider you for London offices. Since you have offer from not one but two of the MBB firms you have a potential leverage as well to bring up. Message me offline and Happy to provide you a perspective in general on the working style and culture in ME Consulting. 

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Anonym C am 20. Nov. 2022

thank you! dmed


Originally answered question:

MBB Consultant vs. Tier 2 EM

Content Creator
antwortete am 22. März 2022
BCG Project Leader | Former Bain, AlixPartner, and PE | INSEAD MBA | GMAT 780

First of all, it is quite unlikely to move to PE with just CDD experience.
In particular, it is even more unlikely to move to PE if you are not coming from MBB.
MBB overall have much more interesting projects than OW.

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Content Creator
antwortete am 11. Okt. 2023
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


I came from a T2 before switching to MBB, in SEA. I would take MBB SEA over T2 USA for the following reasons:

  • Brand name and prestige makes a big difference generally
  • It is arguably easier to make an internal transfer than to try and switch firms
  • SEA is a fun place to be, lots of diverse and vibrant countries and cultures 

Happy to chat more to whoever is considering a similar decision.

War diese Antwort hilfreich?
antwortete am 15. Jan. 2023
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

It's a tough call, but moving countries without a VISA is a relevant entry barrier. Seems to be easier to move from T2 than from MBB abroad

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Originally answered question:

MBB Consultant vs. Tier 2 EM

Content Creator
antwortete am 22. März 2022
Accenture, Deloitte | Precision Case Prep | Experienced Interviewer & Career Coach | 15 years professional experience
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Originally answered question:

Tier 2 Australia vs. MBB South East Asia

Anonym antwortete am 8. Juni 2020

Dear A,

If I were you, I would definitely go for MBB in SEA, preferably Malasiya, and then try to transfer to Sidney after couple of years. Regarding advantages and cons, the projects in MBB will be international than in Tier-2 company.

Of course, it depends on what Tier-2 company do you have in mind, but generally speaking, you will have more international exposure at MBB throughout the whole region. Maybe, you would also have a chance to work in Australia out of your SEA office.

A for SEA office, it has better exit options and longer working hours, as well.



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