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Can I ask for my resume review to be sped up to accommodate graduate school?

Bearbeitet am 29. Aug. 2023
5 Antworten
Kris fragte am 16. März 2023

Would it be reasonable to ask the HR departments to consider that I need a decision by XYZ date (basically exploding offer) due to graduate school academic year deadline?


I applied to the top 3 firms two weeks ago and haven't heard anything (expected I guess in the current market). I have also been admitted to a Master's degree program that starts in late summer. I want to see if I can get in to one of the top 3 firms and forgo this masters' program… I would rather work at MBB directly rather than recruit out of my 2 years masters. 

I have 2 YOE in a startup that was subsequently acquired (now at a large company).



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antwortete am 16. März 2023
Ex-Roland Berger|Project Manager and Recruiter|7+ years of consulting experience in USA and Europe

Hi there,

if you need an answer in a timely manner in order to make a significant decision, then yes, you should absolutely contact HR. You have nothing to lose here. 

In the current environment, I would err on the side of caution and consider your masters program as the default option unless you get an offer from one of your MBB applications. If you don't hear back from MBB in time, I'd go for the masters. It's just very risky to decline something secure in order to speculate on something very uncertain (especially with hiring slowing down)

Therefore, I would try to “encourage” MBB to give you feedback so you can factor that into your decision rather than just passively waiting.

Best of luck

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antwortete am 16. März 2023
PL-level BCG experience (6 years)|Interviewer at BCG| 6/6 personal + 95%+ candidates offer success rate

Agree w/ Dennis below,

one addition / caveat - maybe not needed - but I will err on the side of caution :)

Spend time making sure your communication (verbal / written) 1) sends the message that you are very interested and committed (vs. pressing)

2) That you are fully aware and respectful of current “heightened” unercentainty context for MBB firms   

Never hurts to not burn any bridge w/ HR at MBB - you never know whether you will cross them again in the future

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antwortete am 16. März 2023
#1 Bain coach | >95% success rate | interviewer for 8+ years | mentor and coach for 7+ years

Hi Kris,

I think this is an interesting question that may be relevant for many people. I would be happy to share my thoughts on it:

  • First of all, it seems you've found yourself in quite an unfortunate situation by waiting too long to apply for either of the two options. While you might very well reach out to the MBB recruiting teams, I would highly advise you to do so very politely.
  • Moreover, please also keep in mind that the application processes in strategy consulting might take several weeks, which might, again, overlap with any decisions regarding graduate school. As such, I would highly advise you to gain clarity on any deadlines and plan accordingly.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to address your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



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antwortete am 17. März 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi Kris,

Please remember that these firms are the selectors not the selectees.

Ultimately you decided to apply when you did and therefore you have to work to their timelines.

You also have to remember that you are in an economic environment that brings you even less leverage.

Feel free to send them an extremely polite/curteous email. However, be extremely careful in how you word it and don't expect too much. Personally, if it were me, I probably wouldn't send an email (and would have applied many weeks earlier). But, if you want to, you “can” send a followup.

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bearbeitete eine Antwort am 29. Aug. 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there!

Yes, you can always communicate to HR if you have any constraints that need to be addressed. 

They are usually quite flexible in adjusting the timelines. 



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Ex-Roland Berger|Project Manager and Recruiter|7+ years of consulting experience in USA and Europe
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