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Well Being health care

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Your client is Well Being (WB), a private healthcare company based in Germany.  

Well Being operates 10 hospitals in Germany (in comparison to 1,000 public hospitals). These hospitals are normally half the size of the public ones and are not providing Accident and Emergency (ER).

Revenue comes from patients claiming their own private insurance or paying by cash. In 2012 Well Being had revenues of €100 m (<1% share in the market) and an operating profit of €0.5 m.

Their main competitor is the governmental national health care (NHC). NHC has asked to outsource some of their patients to WB and WB wants our advice on this offer.

Sample Structure

I. Background - Question 1

1. What can be the characteristics of the health care market?

I. Background - Question 2

NHC has decided to contract out operations for hip-replacement, as they have very long waiting times.

2. What factors should WB consider to decide if they should enter these new contracts?

II. Capacity - Question 3

3. How would you analyse the capacity of a hospital, in particular regarding outpatients?

II. Capacity - Question 4

4. How could you interpret the following graph?

III. Market - Question 5

5. How many outpatient visits will occur if operations increase by 25%?

VI. Conclusion - Question 6

6. What is your recommendation to Well Being regarding the strategy?

Weitere Fragen

How would you minimise the time for health record processing using the current level of resources? (NHC records must be processed within 48 hours, while private ones have a limit of 24 hours)

Notiz für den Interviewer

More questions to be added by you, interviewer!

At the end of the case, you will have the opportunity to suggest challenging questions about this case (to be asked for instance if the next interviewees solve the case very fast).

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