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0 Bewertungen
FREE 15 MINUTE INTRO | 3 years experience |100+ coached case studies | Oliver Wyman, S& and SKP (London)
Application files (i.e., resume and cover letter) reviewer
Recently recruited (up-to-date on case study trends)
Structured problem solving for any case
Vereinigtes Königreich (UTC 0)
189 USD / h
FREE 15 MINUTE INTRO | 3 years experience |100+ coached case studies | Oliver Wyman, S& and SKP (London)
Application files (i.e., resume and cover letter) reviewer
Recently recruited (up-to-date on case study trends)
Structured problem solving for any case
189 USD / h
0 Coachings
30 Q&A Upvotes
0 Awards
Über Sol

Hi 👋, I'm Sol. With 1.5 years of experience in strategy consulting and hundreds of hours of case coaching, I feel passionately that with practice, anyone can crack the case. I did it two years ago on this platform, and it helped me pass all four interviews I had.

I prioritize two things:

  1. Ensuring you learn and develop with every session - Individual practice is about the reps, but coached sessions are about targeting learnings to ensure you are heading in the right direction.
  2. Providing honest feedback - I wish I had someone to tell me what I was doing wrong when I was prepping. I did over 200 sessions on this platform but found student-student feedback frustrating as much of it was conflicting. Given my experience in over 20 interview situations, I know what a good interview looks like and can tell you where you stand.

Together, this means I have the secret sauce to ensure you can confidently go into your interviews and stand out against the competition! Book 15 minutes for free with me to discuss what you're looking for :)

An experienced coach, recent strategy consultant and dedicated to helping you change your LinkedIn header to Strategy Consultant!

Read more below ↓


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Oliver Wyman
2023 - 2024
Durham University
2019 - 2022
Wirtschaftswissenschaften (BWL, VWL, etc.)
36 Bewertungen
3-10 Coachings à 60 Minuten mit CoachingPlus-Experten
Plus eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft (6 Monate)
Dein Rundum-Sorglos-Paket zur Case-Interview-Vorbereitung
3-10 Coachings à 60 Minuten mit CoachingPlus-Experten
Plus eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft (6 Monate)
Dein Rundum-Sorglos-Paket zur Case-Interview-Vorbereitung
Premium + Coaching
Premium + Coaching
78 Bewertungen
Premium-Mitgliedschaft für 1 Jahr
1 Coaching-Session inklusive
Auswahl aus mehr als 90 Coaches
Premium-Mitgliedschaft für 1 Jahr
1 Coaching-Session inklusive
Auswahl aus mehr als 90 Coaches
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