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20 Bewertungen
Ex Bain Case Team Leader I Focus on Private Equity I +80 interviews conducted at Bain I All cases based on real life cases
Explaining interviewer mindset
Though and/ or unusual cases (e.g. Private Equity)
Solving cases without standard frameworks
Deutsch, Englisch
Deutschland (UTC +1)
259 USD / h
Ex Bain Case Team Leader I Focus on Private Equity I +80 interviews conducted at Bain I All cases based on real life cases
Explaining interviewer mindset
Though and/ or unusual cases (e.g. Private Equity)
Solving cases without standard frameworks
259 USD / h
87 Coachings
70 Q&A Upvotes
11 Awards

My story and goal:

I failed all my interviews at MBB after I applied there for the first time. Two years later I got offers in all my interviews.

My personal goal is to help you get an offer and not make the same mistakes I made. Hint: Using only Victor Cheng, Case in Point  and others can lead you down the wrong path.

My coaching approach:

Please find below how I typically structure coaching and the type of cases that I use. However, I will always discuss a customized approach with you depending on your situation (prior knowledge, # of applications, prep time, etc.)


Typical two weeks before interview curriculum (3 sessions)

  • Assumed prior knowledge: +30 cases on Preplounge/ offline
  • Session 1: Assessment of your situation and background + Case 1 (I will send you an individual preparation plan afterwards)
  • Session 2: Case 2 + structuring homework beforehand
  • Session 3: Personal Fit interview + market sizing


Typical 4-6 weeks before interview curriculum (5-7 sessions)

  • Assumed prior knowledge: +10 cases on Preplounge/ offline
  • Session 1: Assessment of your situation and background + Case 1 (I will send you an individual preparation plan afterwards)
  • Session 2: Case 2 + structuring homework beforehand
  • Session 3-5: Cases 3-5
  • Session 6-7: Personal Fit interview + deep dives and delivery practice


Typical 8 weeks+ before interview curriculum (10+ sessions)

  • Assumed prior knowledge: Familiarity with solving cases through books, +5 cases on Preplounge or offline
  • Session 1: Assessment of your situation and background + Case 1 (I will send you an individual preparation plan afterwards)
  • Session 2: Case 2 + structuring homework beforehand
  • Session 3-5: Cases 3-5
  • Session 6-7: Personal Fit interview + deep dives and delivery practice
  • Session: 8-10: Cases 6-8


Case collection (real life cases from my own experience)

Case 1:

  • Industry: Private Equity / Health Care
  • Type: Value creation/ profitability
  • Key concepts: Capacity utilization, cost driver analysis

Case 2:

  • Industry: Technology
  • Type: Pricing, unusual settings
  • Key concepts: Pricing approaches, customer segmentation, approximations


Case 3:

  • Industry: Ride Hailing/ Venture Capital
  • Type: Market attractiveness
  • Key concepts: Market evaluation, segmentation


Case 4:

  • Industry: Recreational vehicles
  • Type: Cost cutting
  • Key concepts: Value chain analysis, cost cutting measures


Case 5:

  • Industry: Office furniture/ PE
  • Type: M&A
  • Key concepts: Synergies, Valuation


Case 6:

  • Industry: Soccer/ Sports
  • Type: Growth strategy
  • Key concepts: Revenue stream segmentation, adjacency growth


Case 7:

  • Industry: Industrial components
  • Type: Manufacturing footprint
  • Key concepts: Payback/ return calculations, competitive strategy, investment decisions


Case 8:

  • Industry: Banking
  • Type: Unusual case
  • Key concepts: Framing, customer segmentation, advanced maths



Personal Fit interview 1:

  • Run through CV
  • Why consulting?
  • Why company X?
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Drive/ impact
  • Unusual questions
  • Questions to interviewer


Personal Fit interview 2:

  • Deep dive on topics from part 1
  • Delivery practice (tone, gestures, etc.)
21. März 2021
von Alistair
very sharp, great relevant case! Highly recommend.
5. Nov. 2019
von Anonym
Habe in der Session mit John darüber geredet, wie man als Consultant erfolgreich wird und welche Karrierepfade für mich danach in Frage kommen. John hat alle Fragen geduldig und gut beantwortet und...
4. Sept. 2019
von Anonym
Had a very insightful second session with John. We went through a rather difficult case study, after which I was able to learn more about the Bain Interview Process and evaluation criteria. Very he...
Case Team Leader / Project Lead
Bain & Company
2014 - 2019
Kein Abschluss
University of Bath
0 - 0
Kein Abschluss
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
0 - 0
Vergangene Awards
John erhielt im Jahr 2019 5 Mal einen Award für die meisten Coachings.
John erhielt im Jahr 2019 ein Mal einen Award für die meisten Q&A Antworten.
Johns Antworten waren im Jahr 2019 ein Mal unter den besten Antworten.
60 Minuten
20 Bewertungen
259 USD / h
Termin buchen
30 Minuten
20 Bewertungen
189 USD / h
Termin buchen
Interview-Coaching + CV-Review
90 Minuten
20 Bewertungen
419 USD / h
Termin buchen
Johns neueste Antworten im Q&A
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