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McKinsey Analytics

analytics consulting MBB McKinsey
Recent activity on Jan 13, 2019
1 Answer
7.7 k Views
asked on Dec 25, 2018

Hi everyone,

I've recently had my final round interviews with McKinsey and I've also been invited to interview for Data Scientist role, given my background in data science. The HR mentioned the decision process for generalist role is still continuing but they would like to consider me for both generalist and DS roles while also asking for my preference. I have a few questions for you:

1- Should I interpret it as a sign that my case interviews didn't go as well?

2- They told me that Data Scientist position at McKinsey Analytics is a consulting position. How does it differ from a more traditional consulting role? Is it a second-class consulting role?

3- How does the career path for Data Scientists look at McKinsey? Is it a dead-end position? How does the position change with progression? Also, do they sponsor for MBA or for advanced degrees in data science?

4- They also told me that I will have a technical interview to test my competency in data science. What types of question should I expect?

Thanks a lot to everyone, the site has been very helpful for me so far.


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Best answer
replied on Jan 13, 2019
Bain and BCG experience - Industry hire experience - 150+ cases


1- I would not say that... Several variables that are not under your control here (and that does not necessary link to your performance): office need, period of the year, specific HR plan for the office and for the year ...

2- Not at all. All the consulting firm are now introducing Data science roles that are proper consulting roles. The business need is changing and the clients require always more specific competences in digital, analytics ... Usually the DS consultants are worling with normal consultants in particular cases where the "digital" is much more relevant/ needed. More than a second class, I would say that it is the class of the future!

3- Im not super sure about this... but you cna probably check online. I believe they have a parallel track with a similar consulting career (similar seniority and pay)

4- Usually a DS consultant will take the interview... it can be related to the tool you can use (tableau, alterix ...) and the specific programming/ IT competences you have. I suggest you also to reach out some employees of that specific office... maybe they can help you understanding more deeply the office need and the type of cases they are currently doing. Clients from different geographies can have complete differnt levels of "digital need" and you want to make sure your competences are aligned with what they are looking for

Best Luck for the next steps!

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Bain and BCG experience - Industry hire experience - 150+ cases
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