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How to switch langages

Recent activity on May 22, 2018
1 Answer
2.6 k Views
Vladimir asked on May 19, 2018
Looking for English-speaking partners

Dear all,

I have a question concerning the settings of preplounge please. I wish to practice my cases in German, however some cases are sometimes displayed in English. Although such cases are also available in German, I do not know how to change the langage. Would you have any tips on this issue?
Thank you for help.



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replied on May 22, 2018
PrepLounge Head of Product & Marketing

Hi Vladimir,

thanks for asking your question on our Consulting Q&A!

On top of the cases in the Case Library, you can find a setting where you can select "All" Cases, "English Cases" or "German Cases". If you set it to German settings, you will have all cases displayed that are in German.

Hope this helps!

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate :)

Best of luck for the rest of your case prep,


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