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Big4 MBB
New answer on Apr 30, 2020
6 Answers
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Anonymous A asked on Mar 01, 2020

Hi preplounge community,

So I'm having this big dilemma on an interview with EYP. I recently got accepted to an MBB internship in Germany. Previously I had been interviewing with EYP but I withdrew from the 2nd round because the time period would clash with the MBB internship.

Or so I thought.

I just realized that actually I could still do an EYP internship after the MBB one. I'm actually quite interested in EYP as they have a specific life sciences team (I also have that background), which means that all projects will be related to life sciences. + it will also be all over Europe.

Question is: Should I ask EYP whether I can still do the interview? If yes, how should I phrase the request?

Of course I can just apply for a full-time job in the future, but I think an internship is excellent for looking into the company's culture without having any obligations to stay.

Any input would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

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Anonymous replied on Apr 30, 2020

go for it ;)

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Content Creator
replied on Mar 02, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


I agree with you, if you have the strenghts to do both interships in a row, I would go for it.

Don´t mention your reasons, just say you had a personal problem in that point and could not do the interviews do to that. They won´t ask further.

Good luck!



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Content Creator
replied on Mar 02, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Anonymous,

I don’t see downsides in contacting HR and trying to continue the process. If you explain that you had to withdraw your applications due to conflicts with previous commitments that now changed, they may be willing to restart the process.

On the other hand, I would recommend to try to do your best during the MBB internship and ideally land an offer there. Culture is definitely an important element in a company, but the MBB brand is far superior to the one of EYP, and unless you really dislike the MBB company you will work for, that brand could be far better for your future career.



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Anonymous A on Mar 02, 2020

Hey Francesco, thank you for your input. Unfortunately I already said that I had an offer from another firm when I withdrew from EYP :(

replied on Mar 02, 2020
McKinsey | BCG | CERN| University of Cambridge

Hello there,

Go for it I'd say!
It would be good to reach out you the EYP team to check.

Just said that you have an urgent appointment / needs initially which forces you to withdrew from the application, but now you have sort it out and turns out it is outside of the internship period, hence you would like to pursue the opportunity again if allowed.

Hope it helps.

Kind regards,

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Anonymous A on Mar 02, 2020

Hey Nathaniel, thank you for your input. Unfortunately I already said that I had an offer from another firm when I withdrew from EYP :(

Content Creator
replied on Mar 02, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached


It's for sure not the best situation since they always look for super motivated people. I would try to not mention MBB internship, just saying that you had a problem in that period and that now you would be super happy to accept an internship.


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Anonymous A on Mar 02, 2020

Hey Luca, thank you for your input. Unfortunately I already said that I had an offer from another firm when I withdrew from EYP :(

Content Creator
replied on Mar 01, 2020
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

If you can do both internships you absolutely must!

Reach out to HR - explain that earlier you would not be able to complete the internship due to a conflict in timing with other commitments however that situation has changed and you are very interested in applying for the position if it is still available



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Anonymous A on Mar 02, 2020

Hey Udayan, thank you for your input. Unfortunately I already said that I had an offer from another firm when I withdrew from EYP :(

Udayan on Mar 02, 2020

Got it. Well I think if you can be honest it's also okay. So for example, you can say that earlier you thought you would not be able to do both internships however now the timing is such that it allows you to do both. You were very excited about eyp but had committed to the other internship already. Would it still be possible for you to apply for the internship this year?

Anonymous A on Mar 02, 2020

Of course, but I would restart the whole recruit process if I apply later this year. + it's just more efficient to do the internships back to back.

Anonymous A on Mar 02, 2020

Thank you for your responses btw!

Udayan on Mar 02, 2020

My point was to ask to be able to do the internships back to back. There's no harm in asking politely they won't hold it against you for having a desire to intern there

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