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Anonym A
am 7. Okt. 2019

What would be a reason for you to decide against a particular project?

How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

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am 18. Dez. 2019
McKinsey / ex-Interviewer at McKinsey / I will coach you to rock those interviews

Answering this question, it’s important to name reasons which fit well into the MBB narrative and a job of consulting – and obviously avoid the reasons which do not. Good reasons to name would be:

  • Your tegridy – you are not comfortable with the work this client is doing (e.g. tobacco or weapons manufacturer), so you are not going to work for them
  • You feel that the positive impact of the project on the client is not as significant and is not worth your fees – the client would be better off doing it without you
  • You feel that the project is badly scoped – the resources available for the project would not bring the results promised to the client

All in all, answer thinking about your client’s interests first and your personal interests second (except in the case of tegridy, because this money can’t buy)

am 6. Juli 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


On top of the insights already shared in the post, the "Integrated FIT guide for MBB" has been recently published in PrepLounge´s shop (

It provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, tackling each firms particularities and combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.

Feel free to PM me for disccount codes, since we still have some left from the launch!

Anonym K
am 19. Dez. 2023

I believe that the main reason that would make me decide against a project is a lack of opportunities of growth

Anonym L
am 28. Jan. 2024

- Historical issues with clients

- Lack of available resources

am 8. Mai 2024

The company representative is not taking responsability for the projects success, such as not showing up for the calls, or supporting my team in reaching the objectives.

am 10. Mai 2024

- geography

- beliefs

- my career orient 

Anonym M
am 27. Mai 2024

 - Timing of the project

- Resources available 

- Cost of the project

- Scope and whether SME's are needed 

am 27. Mai 2024

I would decide to go against a project if it was not profitable, didn't align with the objectives of my manager/the company, or if it didn't align with my ethical standards. 

Anonym B
am 15. Sept. 2021

It violated my morality, ethical code, or the law. 

am 13. Dez. 2021

1. When it is something that does not align with my values, for instance a project that goes on the cost of our climate.

2. When I feel like the project is going in a wrong direction and is a waste of time and other resources.

3. When I feel like someone else is a better fit.

Anonym C
am 2. Feb. 2022

If I did not have the necessary skills for completing the tasks and if it in my eyes would be impossible to acquire them in a timely manner. 


Furthermore, if it is against the law or the compliance regulation of my organisation or if it violates certain individual's rights.

am 17. Apr. 2020
am 22. Jan. 2022

too easy

am 26. Jan. 2022

If the given data/information is not clear and concise and leads to no value addition / results

Anonym D
am 25. Feb. 2022

It is not required by the client; It is not feasible given the resources available or there are more efficient alternatives available  

Anonym E
am 1. Apr. 2022

Staffing in a very remote place for a prolonged period of time with difficulties to travel

Anonym F
am 14. Mai 2022

When the client is doing business unethically 

am 11. Juli 2023

If there were ethical concerns around the project that signified red-flags for the firm, then this would be a good reason to decide against a project.  For instance, if working on a project caused a conflict of interest, then it would be right to decide not to work on the project.

Anonym G
am 25. Mai 2022

If the project is too technical, I will decide against it. By technical, I mean if it relies heavily on IT industry as I do not have that background. Even if I can google it, I would need to invest a lot of time in covering the basics.

Anonym H
am 7. Jan. 2023

The project would have to be harmful to society. 

am 17. Jan. 2023

If it goes against my fundamental values.

am 17. März 2023

Possible Reason: I can not justify the project goals for ethical reasons

Anonym J
am 28. März 2023

Honestly, this is a though question. Because in most situations I don’t shy away from challenges and try to figure out how to manage them. However, the only situation I could imagine spontaneously in which I would decide against a specific project is when participating on the project is unethical. For example, when strong personal ties to an employee of another firm would lead to a conflict of interests.

Anonym I
am 28. Feb. 2023


- negative social impact (relocating 1000 people for a new entertainment center)


- low odds of succeeding (trying to synthesize complex natural products in our lab)

- necessary technology not yet available


- would require a lot of know-how that we cannot deliver in the amount of time

am 25. März 2023


am 1. Nov. 2023

If to compromised my personal values and beliefs. 

am 9. Nov. 2023

In co-operative people 

Lack of goals in the near and distant future

No resources 

No value to the company or the mission 

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