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Mim target schools for management consulting in middle east?

I am currently a sophomore at a top ranked Indian school. So if I maintain my grades, have good extra curriculars and have a 730+ gmat I am sure I can get into any mim program in the world.But I am looking for those programs that can b completed in less than 2 years.

I want to break into mbb/big4 in middle east. I want to know what are target schools for entry lvl positions in ME.

Some schools I have on mind-

1) Lbs- great programme, Can be completed in a year. Almost every one from my school who apply there get in.But most of the people came back to India and ended up working in a bb ib firm or an mbb here. Apparently the immigration policies are really hard there especially for an Indian male.That would be bad for me because I can't afford to be in a 40k debt if I don't get a job ME/Uk.

2) Other top business schools in Uk(Lse,ucl,Cambridge,Oxford, Warwick) - Same thing can be said for these schools. I would like to hear from someone in Uk about how hard will it be for an Indian male to get a job there.

3) Insead- Most recent flagship mim programme. I don't know much about it and would like to hear how it is compared to other top programmes like Hec/lbs/essec. But Its mba program is the best in Eu and one of the best in the world so its probably great.

4) Hec msc in management/finance- again I don't know much about it But the hec mbb profiles I saw in LinkedIn mostly had a 3 year mim degree. So is it great? idk,but would like to hear more.

5) Essec,Escp - Don't know much, would to hear from someone who attended. Chances of getting placed in ME?

6) Esade,iese,ie - Don't know much, would like to hear from someone who attended. Chances of getting placed in ME?

7) University of bocconi - Again I would like to know more about this school. Would it be possible to break in consulting In ME from here?

8) Hsg(St Gallen) - Arguably the best mim programme. Places a fair share of students in mbb in Switzerland and Germany but for middle east? Not so much. Also If something goes wrong it would be really tough to get a job in Switzerland considering its strict immigration policies.

9) top German business schools- would like to know more about these.

Thank you for answering.


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am 9. Juni 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Satyaki,

Q: I want to know what are target schools for entry lvl positions in ME.

You should be able to use LinkedIn to check where alumni of a university ended after the MIM.


  1. Go on LinkedIn
  2. Add the university as "School", in your case specifically for the MIM
  3. Filter by each MBB/target company as “Current company” for your target geography

If you find a good number of alumni for a school working there with a background similar to yours, it means it could be a good option. If you are not sure what a good number of people could be, you can take a school you are sure is a target one as a benchmark.

You can find below an example for Harvard and McKinsey:



Good luck!


am 8. Juni 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there, 

You have a great list and you seem to have really done your research. 

Practically, what you can do is to check for consultants in your target office & firm on LinkedIn and see what business schools they went to. Create an overview of this and prioritise then your applications accordingly. Pay special attention to how many of them also come from India are non-European and non-ME. 

As a note, for IESE specifically, they have a very strong bond with ME MBB firms and they handle the recruitment directly through the university. So it's a great option to consider among all the other ones. 

I've worked a couple of months ago with a candidate in a similar situation - she was from China, currently studying in the UK and targeting MiM programs. We worked together on the applications and she got into all 6 schools that she applied to (half in Europe - INSEAD, IESE, HEC, and half in the US). Feel free to reach out and we can discuss whether we could help you as well. 

Best of luck!


am 9. Juni 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Sounds like you could benefit from a coach! To properly answer these questions takes a very long time. “Free” answers here aren't really going to go to the depth that you are hoping for.

You're asking us to provide you a completely tailored plan for you and dive deep into every program's pros/cons. We're happy to do this via coaching!

Note: I agree with Udayan, if your goal is MBB/Big 4, you will be much better served with an MBA, not a MiM

am 8. Juni 2023
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

The reason you see people return from UK to India after a 1 yr MiM is because it is NOT a target program for MBB. Yes some people get in after these, but by and large the heaviest recruitment happens after an MBA program. Why not just do an MBA at a top school given that you already come from a background where you can make it into a top program?



am 8. Juni 2023
So do they just hire undergrads for entry level positions in the middle east?
am 8. Juni 2023
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience
Not just undergrads but by far the largest proportion is undergrads. So your competition is significantly higher
am 8. Juni 2023
Little bit of background from my side- I am from Srcc. When it comes to grades im in top 5% of my class out of 800+ students. My extra curriculars are a little weak though (no leadership positions but I am a member at the largest non profit consulting firm in the world). When it comes to internships I have worked with few nonprofits ,a mildly successful startup this summer and I have an upcoming internship at EY this winter. Even after all this my chances of getting a front office role in an mbb/t2/b4 is really slim. My peers here are insanely good,even If I have a year left I will never catch upto them or their level of accomplishments. Front office roles in big firms are only offered to the top 20 most accomplished students here. So,some people recommended top mim programmes to me. I have seen people with similar profiles to mine get into hec/lbs/lse/essec so I have a great shot at it. Do you think I should continue with this or should I just join a back office/middle office role and work here for 5 yrs and then go for an mba abroad?
am 8. Juni 2023
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience
MBB hires from SRCC in India itself, why so keen on the middle east? I think you should definitely work for a few years first then do an MBA at a top school. That is much better than an MiM and you will have an awesome shot at getting in anywhere.
am 11. Juni 2023
Top-Ranked Coach on PrepLounge for 3 years| 6+ years of coaching


It sounds like you've done some good research - these are all great business schools for sure. I would also recommend what other experts here have pointed out - doing a more detailed LinkedIn search will help you see how many graduates of those programs ultimately ended up at top consulting firms. I would also look at whether schools do on-campus recruiting - that typically gives you a better chance of getting your foot in the door. Also, have you considered MBA programs? Consulting companies tend to hire heavily from those.

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