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McKinsey Digital vs McKinsey Technology

Digital IT McKinsey technology
Neue Antwort am 4. Jan. 2021
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Anonym A fragte am 31. Dez. 2020

Hey experts, :)

I am thinking of applying to an Associate Strategy Consulting role at McKinsey Digital with 3-5 years work experience and I am currently browsing through the open roles. However, I am a bit confused with the open roles within McKinsey Digital, since not all the roles within McKinsey Digital seem like generalist strategy consulting roles.

Anyone knows what are the different roles within McKinsey Digital? I am not sure about if they are strategy consuting roles or IT consulting role? I found:

  • Associate within digital technolgy., which seems like general strategy consulting role but with more focus on digital topics
  • SAP or Marketing technologist within Digital technology, which look more like a (IT) specialist role

Could anyone help me understand a bit the roles within McKinsey Digital and how to apply for the strategy role within McKinsey digital?

Thanks so much! :)

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Content Creator
antwortete am 4. Jan. 2021
#1 MBB Coach(Placed 750+ in MBBs & 1250+ in Tier2)| The Only 360° coach(Ex-McKinsey+Certified Coach+Active recruiter)

Hello there!

McKinsey Digital does offer generalist strategy consulting roles and it's mainly strategy, though it may differ across offices. Having digital background could be also great.
In case you're eager to find a "pure" generalist consultant role, you need to apply to McKinsey itself.

To be 100% sure you'd better approach HR or find current consultants from your targeted office.

Hope it helps.

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Content Creator
antwortete am 31. Dez. 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

So, to be very clear, McKinsey Digital is not generalist. If you are looking for a generalist consultant role (i.e. exposure to a wide range of functions and project types), you need to apply to "regular" McKinsey.

If you join McKinsey Digital, you will very much be a specialist focused on, well, all topics Digital. More information on the types of projects you can expect can be found here: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-digital/how-we-help-clients

That said, with McKinsey digital, you should still find yourself much more as strategy than IT.

I highly highly recommend you talk to HR and/or a coach. We need to better understand your background (skills, experiences, etc) AND career goals to better advise on which roles you should be aiming for!

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antwortete am 1. Jan. 2021
Ex-McKinsey final round interviewer | Executive Coach

Always best to discuss directly with the recruting team when it comes to McKinsey Digital as it really varies by office. Although the majority of roles you will see advertised as open roles will be "specialist" roles, McKinsey Digital also hires "generalist" consultants who are focused on consulting across various digital topics (e.g., Lean IT, Analytics, Digital Marketing, Digital Business Building/LEAP, etc.). Based on the latest restructring at McKinsey, the former is known as the "Expert Consulting" track while the latter is the "Integrative Consulting" track where you progress towards a client-facing partner as opposed to an expert-based partner.

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Content Creator
antwortete am 31. Dez. 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


HR is the go-to stakeholder for this, since this also changes office to office.

Overall, McK Digital -what used to be McK BTO- is strategy applied to that field, not IT.



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Anonym antwortete am 31. Dez. 2020


Maybe other can chip in, but it maybe McK Digital is a unit that will be called upon when any relevant work requested by the client. They will be supporting a consulting project team of in rare ocassion the work can be done fully by them.

I once approached by McKinsey and they told me that after/during my interview I can express my interest of which unit I prefer. (Not sure if this is office specific or true for all)

Networking to the specific office you targetdd will help you to clarify this better.


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